2020-08-19 14:51:01流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(1004)Shot Me Down

樂團The Band的歌曲《The Weight》中的歌詞:I pulled into Nazareth ( 拿撒勒 )。而只要提到Nazareth樂團,大概都會立即想起他們翻唱的那首《Love Hurts》,的確是相當的經典。

此首《Shot Me Down》是樂團的吉他手Manny Charlton所寫,收錄在該團1977的專輯《Expect No Mercy》中。歌名當然不能照字面翻,而是有「被擄獲」的意思。看來歌曲中的這位老兄「桃花不斷」,才在想忘記前一個失去的,馬上又來了個讓他「情不自禁」的。有人說,聽此曲會讓他回想到年少青春的時光。情竇初開之時,很容易就會喜歡上對方吧!


亂談(632)Love Hurts

亂談(558)The Weight


I was feelin' good, kinda high and cruisin'
I was tryin' to forget someone I had been losin'
Then you came along, surprise, surprise
You shot me down
I was lyin' crashed out on the ground
You shot me down
I was feelin' fine, mellowed out and easy
I was comin' back down kinda slow and lazy
Then you came along and fired the flame
You shot me down
I was lyin' burned out on the ground
You shot me down, you shot me down
You shot me down
I was feelin' good, kinda high and cruisin'
I was tryin' to forget someone I had been losin'
Then you came along, surprise, surprise
You shot me down
I was lyin' crashed out on the ground
You shot me down, you shot me down
You shot me down.

Mann 2020-08-19 15:36:25


這倒是讓我想起~~the doors


我很少聽The Doors的歌曲,當年該樂團的《Light My Fire》相當紅,或因有些「迷幻」曲風,不太是我的菜。

「亂談」倒是有貼過The Doors的一首《Hello I Love You》。
2020-08-19 18:52:51