2019-12-26 14:59:38流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(961)(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me)Higher and Higher

此曲原是被寫給美國節奏藍調合唱團體The Dells來錄唱的,但尚未及發行,在唱片公司的允許下,另位寫歌者Gary Jackson將詞曲略為修改後,被歌手Jackie Wilson取得,並於1967搶得頭籌發行。Jackie Wilson的版本在告示牌熱門100排行榜站上第6名,在R & B排行榜則是搶下冠軍寶座。


The Dells

之後,美國女歌手Rita Coolidge將此曲再作改編,收錄在她1977的專輯《Anytime...Anywhere》中。Rita之所以會選擇此曲,是因曾和她的姊姊Priscilla一起幫Priscilla的丈夫在「預錄」專輯時,替此曲作合音,後專輯被擱置,Rita取得此曲新編曲的使用同意而另發行了單曲。Rita的版本較原唱Jackie Wilson的節奏速度要來得緩和 ( 事實上Jackie原來錄唱的曲風也是偏向較慢的靈魂樂,後被製作人臭罵糾正後才唱成較快節奏。),也刪減了許多歌詞,但這些不僅無傷,反而在告示牌熱門100排行榜拿下第2名及錢櫃排行榜的冠軍,也是她出道9年來的首支「個人」熱門曲 ( Rita與夫婿Kris Kristofferson曾共同在1974及1976分別贏得一座「最佳鄉村雙人組合/團體演唱」的葛萊美獎。)。隨後發行的《We're All Alone》,再度將唱片銷售量推上百萬高峰,1977對Rita Coolidge來說,真是個幸運年!

延伸閱讀:亂談(803)We're All Alone

此為Bruce Springsteen在第25週年搖滾名人堂音樂會(2009)上的表演,參與的佳賓有Darlene Love、Sam Moore、John Fogerty、Tom Morello、Billy Joel、Jackson Browne及Peter Wolf。畫面中出現綁馬尾的紅髮女子則是Springsteen的老婆Patti Scialfa。
Higher and Higher / Rita Coolidge

Your love is liftin' me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
Your love is liftin' me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
So keep it up, quench my desire
And I'll be at your side forevermore
Now once, I was downhearted
Disappointment was my closest friend
But you came, he soon departed
And he never showed his face again
Oh, I'm so glad I finally found you
You're that one in a million man
When you wrap your lovin' arms around me
I can stand up and face the world again
Your love is liftin' me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
So keep it up, quench my desire
And I'll be at your side forevermore
Oh your love is liftin' me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before
So keep it up, quench my desire
And I'll be at your side forevermore
Your love is liftin' me higher
Than I've ever been lifted before