2019-07-25 15:03:36流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(933) I Fell In Love

美國鄉村歌手Carlene Carter出生於歌唱世家,從外婆外公到母親、阿姨,都是歌唱藝人,就連生父Carl Smith也是鄉村歌手,更別說繼父是鼎鼎大名的Johnny Cash了。

成績,應非難事。可惜Carlene於1979在紐約的一場演唱會上,唱了一首關於交換伴侶 ( Mate-Swapping ) 的歌曲《Swap-Meat Rag》,結果被以不堪入耳的言語給予批評 --- 「 If this song don't put the cunt back in country, I don't know what will.」。之後此評語被廣為引用,Carlene於此壓力之下,在接下來的十年,儘量設法在扭轉此不良形象。

1988,Carlene Carter和英國籍的老公離婚後回到美國,遇到了Howie Epstein ( 這位老兄的父親,曾是當地頂尖的唱片製作人,而他自己最知名的是擔任Tom Petty and Heartbreakers樂團的貝士手。 ),替Carlene製作專輯《I Fell In Love》,1990,此專輯打進鄉村排行榜第19名,同名單曲雖然只拿到了第3名,卻獲得了葛萊美「最佳鄉村女歌手」的提名,Carlene的歌唱事業也自此開始起飛。毫無疑問,Howie Epstein應該算是Carlene的伯樂兼貴人,而Carlene果然是知恩圖報,最後乾脆以身相許,倆人同居並曾訂婚,但在2003,Howie Epstein因嗑藥過度去世 ( 47歲 ),也讓這段戀情畫下了休止符。

tom petty (左二 ) Howie Epstein ( 右 )

戀愛中的女人最美麗。看Carlene演唱此曲的表情,可以感受得到她愉悅的心情,或許她當時已墜入了Epstein的情網。與Epstein在一起之前,Carlene曾梅開三度,失去了Epstein之後,Carlene於2006再婚。看起來,她真的是常常Fell In Love。^^

亂談(880)Every Little Thing

"Hey, I hit town without a clue
Minding my business like I always do
Just my luck I ran smack into you
And I never could've known it would be like this
You got the kind of charm that I can't resist
I figure what's the harm in a little bitty kiss or two
But I fell in love
(Whatcha wanna do that for)
Oh I fell in love
(Whatcha wanna do that for)
I fell in love
Took me by surprise, put me on the floor
Right between the eyes with a two by four
Just a little taste and
I fell in love
I was doing fine out on my own
Never sitting home by the telephone
I couldn't complain that I didn't have much to do
I was a two fisted woman looking for a fight
Had a boy on my left, a boy on the right
But you burned me up like a chicken at a barbeque
But I fell in love
(Whatcha wanna…