2019-06-16 10:29:44流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(924)You Win Again
此曲為美國鄉村歌手Hank Williams所寫,而錄製此曲的時間為在他與妻子Audery Williams離婚事宜底定的一天後,故很難不想像他寫此曲的靈感,與他吵吵鬧鬧的婚姻生活有關。
歌曲述說的是付出真情卻遭到背叛,也預言繼任者會有同樣的下場。其實這首歌原來的歌名是《I Lose Again》,但在唱片製作人極力的堅持下,將主詞反過來改為《You Win Again》,更顯現是由對方造成此段感情的破裂。此曲於1952作為B面發行,僅管如此,在鄉村/西部點唱機排行榜,仍獲得第10名的佳績。
翻唱此曲的知名歌手歷年來不斷,像是Jerry Lee Lewis(1957)、Johnny Cash(1958)、Ray Charles及George Jones(1962)、Bob Dylan(1967)、Roy Orbison(1970)、Glen Campbell(1973)、Martian McBride(2005)等等。其實,將一首歌的節奏放慢或是加快,會有不同的感受。以下另貼Johnny Rivers和Van Morrison的版本,比較看看誰的版本好聽?
亂談(110)Poor Side of Town
亂談(502)These Are The Days
The news is out - all over town
That you've been seen - a-runnin' 'roundI know that I - should leave, but then
I just can't go - you win again
This heart of mine - could never see
What ev'rybod - y knew but me
Just trusting you - was my great sin
What can I do - you win again
I'm sorry for - your victim now
'Cause soon his head - like mine will bow
He'll give his heart - but all in vain
And someday say - you win again