2019-02-04 12:35:44流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(898)I Don't Need Your Rockin’ Chair
時代的流行總是不斷的在變換,對於美國鄉村音樂來說亦復如此。80年代末期,新一代的鄉村歌手如Garth Brooks及Tim McGraw等人掘起,並替鄉村音樂注入了一些不同的元素而謂為潮流。多數的鄉村音樂電台,也不再播放「老派」的鄉村歌曲,此意味著「老」鄉村歌手們,似乎該打包退出他們原先所佔據的舞台。
尤其自1991起,歌曲的銷售開始走上自行下載的電子消費,此更需要電台的播放促銷,卻反而遭到冷落,對老歌手們無異是雪上加霜,曾是炙手可熱的鄉村歌手George Jones也未能倖免。George Jones在1988年曾與女歌手Dolly Parton合錄了一首《Rockin' Years》,卻被歌倫比亞唱片公司擔心因Jones年紀太大,會影響電台的播放機會而將之冷凍。之後另找了年輕的Ricky Van Sheltont重錄,於1991再發行,也果然拿下了鄉村榜的冠軍。該曲歌詞中「And I'll stand by you through our rockin' years ,Rockin' chairs, rockin' babies, rock-a-bye, rock of ages」,有提到Rockin' chairs,不知是否為刻意 ,Jones跟著在1992發行了此首《I Don't Need Your Rockin' Chair》,收錄在專輯《Walls Can Fall》中 。
註:歌詞中「You can't put this possum (負鼠) in a cage」。possum和Jones的面相有些相似,是Jones的綽號。
亂談(721)Rockin' Years
I don't need your rockin' chair
Your Geritol or your MedicareWell I still got Neon in my veins
This grey hair don't mean a thing
I do my rockin' on the stage
You can't put this possum in a cage
My body's old but it ain't impaired
Well I don't need your rockin' chair
Cause I still feel like a new corvette
It might take a little longer but I'll get there
Well I don't need your rockin' chair
Your Geritol or your Medicare
Well I still got Neon in my veins
This grey hair don't mean a thing
I do my rockin' on the stage
You can't put this possum in a cage
My body's old but it ain't impaired
Well I don't need this rockin' chair
You can keep your seat I'm a gonna stand
An Eskimo needs a Fridgedaire
Like I need your rockin' chair
Your Geritol or your Medicare
Well I still got Neon in my veins
This grey hair don't mean a thing
I do my rockin' on the stage
You can't put this possum in a cage
My body's old but it ain't impaired
Well I don't need your rockin' chair
Well I don't need your rockin' chair
Uh huh.