2018-11-13 04:26:44流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(880)Every Little Thing

此首《Every Little Thing》為美國鄉村女歌手兼詞曲作家Carlene Carter與Al Anderson所合寫,並作為1993專輯《Little Love Letters》的首打單曲,成績相當不錯,獲得告示牌熱門鄉村排行榜的第3名。

Carlene Carter算是出生在歌唱世家,她的外婆Maybelle Carter曾和其表姐Sara及表姐夫A.P. Carter ( 其實也算是她的大伯,因Maybelle後來嫁給了A.P. Carter的弟弟Ezra Carter。) 共組了民謠合唱團體The Carter Family。Maybelle Carter生了三個女兒Helen、June和Anita,之後,再和女兒合組四人團體The Carter Sisters,其中June Carter即是Carlene Carter的母親,其最知名的應該是後來嫁給了大牌鄉村歌手Johnny Cash,也成為了Carlene Carter的繼父。其實,Carlene早在1974即在繼父的專輯中有個人的獨唱曲,之後也發行過幾張個人專輯,但成績均不佳。

The Carter Sisters

Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash

1990,Carlene和英國歌手也是製作人的第三任老公Nick Lowe離婚後回到美國,遇到了之前認識的製作人Howie Epstein,替她製作了一張專輯《I Fell in Love》,同名的主打單曲不僅拿下排行榜的第三名,也在1991獲得了葛萊美獎最佳鄉村女歌手的提名,至此,Carlene的歌唱事業終於進入了一個新的里程碑。Howie Epstein算是Carlene的伯樂,倆人後來在一起並訂婚,唯始終未結婚。Howie Epstein於2003死於疑似嗑藥過量,享年47歲。Carlene則於2006再婚。

Carlene Carter & Howie Epstein



I hear songs on the radio
They might be fast or they might be slow
But every song they play's got me thinkin' 'bout you
I see a fella walkin' down the street
He looks at me and he smiles real sweet
But he don't matter to me
'Cause I'm thinkin' 'bout you
Every little dream I dream about you
Every little thought I think about you
Drives me crazy when you go away
I oughta keep you locked up at home
And like a wild horse I want to break you
I love you so much I hate you
Every little thing reminds me of you
Honey when you leave me here all alone
My tongue gets tied when I try to talk
My knees get weak when I start to walk
So I might as well stay home and keep thinkin' 'bout you
"the young and the restless" on my tv set
That's just like us when we first met
And when they start to kissin'
Got me thinking bout you
Every little dream I dream about you
Every little thought I think about you
Drives me crazy when you go away
I oughta keep you locked up at home
And like a wild horse I want to break you
I love you so much I hate you
Every little thing reminds me of you
Honey when you leave me here all alone
Every little dream I dream about you
Every little thought I think about you
Drives me crazy when you go away
I oughta keep you locked up at home
And like a wild horse I want to break you
I love you so much I hate you
Every little thing reminds me of you
Honey when you leave me here all alone