2018-08-06 16:37:15流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(857)The Fool on the Hill
英國披頭合唱團的Paul McCartney和John Lennon在寫《With A Little Help From My Friends》這首歌時,Paul將他自己所作的《The Fool on the Hill》唱給John聽,John建議他趕快寫下來以免忘了,Paul回說他不會忘。Paul果然沒忘,此首《The Fool on the Hill》之後收錄在The Beatles 1967的專輯《Magical Mystery Tour》中。
依據Alistair Taylor ( 曾為The Beatles經紀人Brian Epstein的助理,後也協助Beatles成員處理房產等事宜,及寫過多本有關Beatles的書,也是Paul McCartney的好友。) 在其所著〈Yesterday〉書中所述,他和Paul McCartney曾共同經歷了一件怪事,也應是促成Paul McCartney寫這首《The Fool on the Hill》的緣起。
Paul和Alistair無法想像這位男子到底發生了何事?他似乎就憑空消失了。即使是用跑的,到最近有樹木的遮蔽處,絕非幾秒鐘可到達;且山頂太遠,也非短時間可至。而讓這件事情更添神秘色彩的是,當這個男子首度出現時,Paul和Alistair才正在談論所見的倫敦美景及造物者的神奇。回到家裡,他們花了一個上午討論,試圖讓所發生的事情合理化。最後倆人都同意這彷彿像是吸了毒之後的「幻覺經歷 (Acid Trip)」,但倆人都發誓未使用任何的藥物。
眾人眼中的「傻瓜」,有時並非「真」傻,而是如成語所說的「大智若愚」吧!Paul McCartney之後說此曲中的人物,有點像是Maharishi Mahesh Yogi ( 超覺靜坐的瑪赫西大師 ),由於Maharishi常會傻笑,許多批評者稱他為「傻瓜」,而他也不以為意。1968,巴西樂團Sérgio Mendes & Brasil '66翻唱此曲,使用的是bossa nova旋律,獲得美國排行榜第6名,也是該團在世界各地最多聽眾的歌曲。
The Beatles的版本
Paul McCartney的版本
Day after day
Alone on a hill
The man with the foolish grin
Is keeping perfectly still
But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he's just a fool
And he never gives an answer
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round
Well on the way
Head in a cloud
The man of a thousand voices
Talking perfectly loud
But nobody ever hears him
Or the sound he appears to make
And he never seems to notice
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round
And nobody seems to like him
They can tell what he wants to do
And he never shows his feelings
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round, oh oh oh, round round round round
He never listens to them
He knows that they're the fools
They don't like him
The fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning round
Oh, round round round round, oh