2017-12-18 05:42:58流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(783)I Go to Pieces
美國歌手兼詞曲作家Del Shannon,在密西根的一家夜總會發掘了一位名叫Lloyd Brown的老兄,原本這首《I Go to Pieces》是要交由他來唱的,但找不到唱片商願意發行,故轉而想由自己來錄唱。當時是利用錄其他歌曲的空擋時間來錄製,無奈錄音室三小時的預約使用時間已到,仍未唱到自己滿意的版本。
1964,Del Shannon與英國樂團The Searchers、Peter and Gordon一起在澳洲作巡演,期間某日,Del Shannon在換衣間將此首《I Go to Pieces》展示唱給The Searchers聽,The Searchers無啥興趣,但認為會有潛力成為一首節奏風格的歌曲。此時恰被在隔壁間的Peter and Gordon聽到,而要求將此曲交由他們來錄唱。
1964年底,Peter and Gordon在英、美分別推出此首《I Go to Pieces》,結果在英國無緣入榜,卻在美國打進告示牌的第9名 ( 顯然有受到「英倫入侵」的影響,當時美國歌迷瘋狂的喜歡英國樂團及歌手。)。眼見Peter and Gordon的成功,Del Shannon在1965也推出了自己的版本。
2001,美國遭受911的恐攻之後,美國媒體Clear Channel Communications發起要求1170個電台禁播一些相關可能打擊民心士氣的歌曲共計150首,此首《I Go to Pieces》也列名其中。另,Peter and Gordon最為知名的《A World Without Love》也未能倖免。
歌名「I go to pieces」從字面來看,是我成了碎片、碎塊了。而在此處應是有崩潰、精神錯亂之意,看以下溫拿的MV將之翻成「神魂顛倒」,顯然是有相當的英文造詣。此曲的歌詞也滿有意思的,像是自己的眼睛和手不聽使喚等。多聽幾遍,或許喜歡會多一些。^^
延伸閱讀:亂談(353)A World Without Love
When I see her comin' down the street
I get so shaky and I feel so weak
I tell my eyes look the other way
But they don't seem to hear a word I say
And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide
Go to pieces and I almost die
Everytime my baby passes by...
I tell my arms they'll hold someone new
Another love that will be true
But they don't listen, they don't seem to care...
They reach for her but she's not there
And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide
Go to pieces and I almost die
Everytime my baby passes by
I remember what she said when she said
Goodbye baby. We'll meet again soon maybe...
But until we do, all my best to you
I'm so lonely, I think about her only
I go to places we used to go
But I know she'll never show
She hurt me so much inside
Now I hope shes satisfied
And I, go to pieces and I wanna hide
Go to pieces and I almost die
Everytime my baby passes by
Go to pieces and I cry
Everytime my baby passes by
Go to pieces and I cry...