2017-07-09 17:27:48流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(730)The Boat That I Row
美國歌手兼詞曲作家Neil Diamond從60年代出道迄今,有38首歌曲進入排行榜前10名,為歷來在「成人當代音樂Top 10」中排名第2成功的歌手,其唱片在全世界的銷售量超過了1億3500萬張。
此首《The Boat That I Row》為Neil Diamond於1966自寫自唱,但僅作為另首《I Got The Feelin'( Oh No No )》的B面發行,而無入榜記錄。1967,英國女歌手Lulu翻唱此曲,獲得英國排行榜第6名。數個月後,她的電影同名主題曲《To Sir With Love》在美國排行榜拿下冠軍 ( 由於在英國也是作為《Let's Pretend》的B面發行,亦無入榜名次。),或由此影響,Lulu版的《The Boat That I Row》,當年在台灣較為流行。
Neil Diamond & LuLu ( 1967 )
Neil Diamond & Lulu ( 2010 )---Lulu演唱《The Boat That I Row》
這是Neil Diamond第一首的叛逆歌曲 ( Rebel Song ),也反應出他在成長過程中的獨立性。Neil Diamond說:『我就是這樣的方式。我的船很小,而它帶領我的方向並非遵循一般世俗的路線。假如這也是你所喜歡的,那麼一起來加入我的這個旅程吧!』
I don't have a lot, but with me that's fine
Whatever I got, well, I know it's mine
I don't go around with the local crowd
I don't dig what's in so I guess I'm out
I'm saying these things
So you know me, baby
So, you understand what I'm all about
The boat that I row won't cross no ocean
The boat that I row won't get me there soon
But I got the love and if you got the notion
The boat that I row's big enough for two
Just me and you
There ain't a man alive
Can tell me what to say
I choose my own side and I like it that way
I don't worry about all the things that I'm not
There's only one thing that I want I ain't got
You know that I'm talkin' about you, baby
But you better know before you come along
The boat that I row won't cross no ocean
The boat that I row won't get me there soon
But I got the love and if you got the notion
The boat that I row's big enough for two
Just me and you
I'm saying these things
So you know me, baby
Do you understand what I'm all about
The boat that I row won't cross no ocean
The boat that I row won't get me there soon
But I got the love and if you got the notion
The boat that I row's big enough for two
Just me and you
The boat that I row won't cross no ocean
The boat that I row won't get me there soon
But I got the love and if you got the notion
The boat that I row's big enough for two