2017-07-02 16:38:40流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(727)Rockin' All Over the World

美國的清水合唱團 ( C.C.R.) 於1972年解散後,樂團靈魂人物John Fogerty繼續打拼歌壇。1973,以其組合的團體,發行了一張同名專輯《The Blue Ridge Rangers》,或許是想拋掉以往的路線,改走自己新的風格,專輯中多為翻唱的鄉村老歌,但成績平平。此時,或又擔心歌迷們忘掉他曾是搖滾歌手,1975以自己的名字推出第二張個人專輯《John Fogerty》,而此首《Rockin' All Over the World》為John Fogerty自己所寫,並為專輯的領頭單曲。此曲發行後評價頗佳,在美國排行榜達到第27名。

英國搖滾樂團Status Quo的吉他手Rick Parfitt,某日灌飽了黃湯後開車返家 ( 酒駕是違法的錯誤行為 ),看到路旁有人像要搭便車,他將車停下,但發現其實只是個直立的「郵箱」,心情感到有些受挫,隨即將車上的收音機扭開,播出的正是這首《Rockin' All Over the World》。之後,Rick Parfitt將此曲介紹給樂團,Status Quo於1977的翻唱版,在英國排行榜拿下了第3名。

Status Quo的單曲發行後,也同時要錄製音樂影帶,但貝士手Alan Lancaster因結婚事宜滯留澳洲,並拒絕趕回英國,結果只能弄了個模特兒假人並抱了把貝士琴來混充。1985,Status Quo受邀參加為援助衣索匹亞饑荒,而在英、美兩地同時舉辦的募款音樂會「Live Aid」的義演,Status Quo為英國區的開場樂隊,第一首唱的即是此首《Rockin' All Over the World》。


Oh here we are and here we are and here we go
All aboard and we're hittin' the road
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

Well gidy up gidy up and get away
We're goin' crazy and we're goin' today
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like it
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

I'm gonna tell your mama what you're gonna do
So come on out with your dancing shoes
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like it
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like it
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like it
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world

And I like it, I like it, I like it, I like it
I li-li-li-like it, li-li-li-like it
Here we go
Rockin' all over the world
(悄悄話) 2017-07-03 23:28:50