2017-04-28 13:09:28流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(703)You Better Move On

此曲為美國黑人歌手兼詞曲作家Arthur Alexander於1961推出的自寫曲,1962在美國排行榜達到第24名。雖然成績並不特別凸出,但陸續有知名歌星和合唱團體,像是:Bobby Vee、The Hollies、George Jones & Johnny Paycheck、The Rolling Stones等的翻唱加持,Arthur Alexander的聲望自然也就跟著水漲船高。 ( Arthur Alexander另有一首《Anna(Go to Him)》,則是被The Beatles翻唱。)

這首歌說的是Arthur Alexander的親身經歷,當他在高中遇到她的女友也是他後來的妻子時,已有位家世不錯的男子在追求,雖然他自己只是個窮小子,但他知道女友其實是喜歡他,當然就不會讓了。不過,他並未真的親口對那位「好野人」的老兄說,只是將這些心中的話給唱出來。


You ask me to give up the hand of the girl I love
You tell me I'm not the man she's worthy of
But who are you to tell her who to love?
That's up to her, yes, and the Lord above
You better move on

Well, I know you can buy her fancy clothes and diamond rings
But I believe she's happy with me without those things
Still you beg me to set her free
But, my friend, that will never be
You better move on

I can't blame you for lovin' her
But can't you understand, man, she's my girl?
And I'm never gonna let her go
'Cause I love her so

I think you better go, now, I'm gettin' mighty mad
You ask me to give up the only love I've ever had
Maybe I would, oh, but I love her so
Never gonna let her go
You better move on (you better move on)
You better move on (you better move on)
You better move on (you better move on)
You better move on (you better move on)
You better move on (you better move on)
You better move on (you better move on)

You better move on
ho 2017-04-29 16:49:11

2011 bobby vee 生病後遏還唱了 bob dylan的 ~the man in me~
2013 bob dylan 在 Minnesota演唱 ~susie baby~

而看來是Bobby Vee成名較早
2017-04-29 20:00:53
ho 2017-04-29 09:18:28

Please check: YouTube "Bobby Vee Funeral" 1943~2016

Bobby's friend, Brain Hyland sang Bob Dylan's ~~Every Grain of Sand~~

Brain Hyland和Bobby Vee同年生,也年紀一把了
2017-04-29 11:29:54