2017-03-14 16:16:28流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(688)Shake a Hand

此曲為美國小喇叭手兼樂隊領班Joe Morris所寫,並由其簽約的黑人女歌手Faye Adams於1953所推出的個人首支單曲,一路過關斬將,在告示牌「節奏藍調」排行榜冠軍位置停留了9週。雖然入榜的是R & B,而整首歌讓人感受到的仍是濃烈的「福音」曲風。

LaVern Baker ( number13 R&B, 1960 )
Elvis Presley ( on the 1975 album Today )
Paul McCartney ( on the 1999 album Run Devil Run )

歌詞「Just give me a chance, I'll take care of everything.」---在交往時許給可以感動對方的承諾,應該也會是個容易達陣得分的好方法吧!^^

Just leave it to me
Don't ever be ashamed
Just give me a chance
I'll take care of everything
Your troubles I'll share
Let me know and I'll be there
I'll take care of you
Anyplace and anywhere

Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can

Be truthful to me
I'll be truthful to you
I'm in love with you so
And I don't know what to do
So, let's call it a day
I said all I have to say
Except don't forget to pray
And shake a hand ev'ry day

Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand, shake a hand
Shake a hand if you can