2017-01-30 13:16:11流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(670)What A Woman In Love Won't Do

1962,Sandy Posey高中畢業後,透過介紹,在曼菲斯 ( Memphis ) 當地的一間錄音室擔任櫃台的接待員,之後,終於也獲得了特約錄音歌手的工作。曾參與過錄音合音的知名歌手有Elvis Presley、Precy Sledge ( 他所唱的《When a Man Loves a Monan》曾奪得1966排行榜的冠軍 )、Tommy Roe等。

1965,Sandy Posey以Sandy Carmel的藝名發行了首支單曲《Kiss Me Goodnight》,但沒激起什麼漣漪和迴響。此稍後,Posey錄唱了一首由Martha Sharpe所寫的《Born a Woman》的示範錄音帶,被製作人Chips Moman聽到後驚為「天籟」,因而協助Posey取得與MGM唱片公司的合約,自此也打開了Posey的獨唱事業之路。

Martha Sharpe

貓王Elvis Presley 和 Chips Momam

《Born a Woman》在Chips Moman的製作下,1966在告示牌排行榜奪得了第12名,同時也獲得了兩項葛萊美獎的提名,當然,Sandy Posey也跟著一曲成名。不過,Sandy Posey最為知名的招牌歌,是另首也是由Martha Sharpe所寫的《Single Girl》,巧合的是,《Single Girl》在1967同樣是得到排行榜第12名。緊接著發行的是就這首《What A Woman In Love Won't Do》,雖然排名不如前兩首 ( # 31 ),卻也是Sandy Posey非常知名的熱門曲。

Sandy Posey在60年代被認為是個鄉村歌手,並常被和Skeeter Davis來相較 ( 或許倆人的特色都有些鼻音,但台長個人覺得倆人的嗓音並不怎麼相似。),而後期的Sandy Posey,曲風則較為多樣化。

台語有句話 ---「愛‧著‧卡‧慘‧死」。愛到忍氣吞聲、卑躬屈膝,那就真的是太不值得了!^^

When you drag in the sunrise
All over your feet
I never ask you where you've been
I always let you sleep late
And bring you breakfast baby in bed
Lord what a woman in love won't do.

At times I've caught you lying
With your bare face hanging out
But I just couldn't follow through
I'd just be proving
That you're being untrue
Lord what a woman in love wont do.

What makes me keep on
Puttin' up with this?
What keeps me kneeling
Underneath my masters kiss?

Could it be that I'm leaving
Or being untrue too, like you?
Lord what a woman in love won't do
Whoo oo oo oohoo
In love won't do
Whoo oo oo oohoo
In love won't do