2016-11-14 14:54:27流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(644)You've Got Your Troubles

Roger Cook和Roger Greenaway這兩位老兄,原本都是四重唱團體The Kestrels的成員。某日,在參與巡迴演唱的某家戲院中,Greenaway告訴Cook說他寫了一首曲子,接著拿了一把烏克麗麗走到戲院外彈給他聽,並問他是否能協助寫歌詞,結果倆人花了2小時完成了這首《You've Got Your Troubles》。這首歌算是倆人的處女作,之後,倆人搭擋寫了不少的歌曲,其中包含了英國樂團The Hollies非常知名的《Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress》。

Cook & Greenaway

歌曲寫好後製成了demo帶,除了歌曲被Mills Music出版公司接受,Cook和Greenaway也簽入該公司由Tony Hiller所負責的寫歌團隊。Tony Hiller之前曾寫過幾首包含《Caroline》在內的歌曲給The Fortunes樂團,但均未入榜,這次再將這首《You've Got Your Troubles》交由The Fortuns來唱。此時的The Fortunes因之前表現成績不佳,正被Decca唱片公司考慮不擬續約,但公司內部的製作人看好這首歌,在其爭取及安排下,Decca唱片終於在1965發行了此首歌。

再說到英國未合法註冊而以船隻作為發射基地的「海盜電台」--- Radio Caroline,由於之前The Fortunes所唱的《Caroline》幾乎被視為是該電台的台歌,當然對The Fortunes感到特別親切及給予照顧。《You've Got Your Troubles》在Radio Caroline的DJ大力播放的推波助瀾下,終於登上了英國排行榜的冠軍寶座,此也為The Fortunes歷來最為知名的歌曲。

Radio Caroline ---80s

The Fortunes真的滿幸運的,背後有良好的人脈關係和資源,當時機成熟,終於使其嶄露頭角,該樂團至今仍有演唱活動。

I see that worried look upon your face,
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
She's found somebody else to take your place;
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
I too have lost my love today,
All of my dreams have flown away.
Now just like you I sit and wonder why;
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
You need some sympathy, well so do I,
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
She used to love me, that I know,
And it don't seem so long ago
That we were walking, that we were talking
The way that lovers do.
(music break)
I too have lost my love today,
All of my dreams have flown away.
And so forgive me if I seem unkind,
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
(Counter: And it must seem to you, my friend
That I ain't got no pity for you,
Well, that ain't true,
You see I lost my lost my lost my little girl too

I'd help another place, another time,
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
You've got your troubles, I got mine.
You've got your troubles, I got mine.

威尼斯 2016-11-16 01:24:34

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