2016-03-15 06:21:06流浪阿狗
老歌亂談(556)Nobody's Darlin' But Mine
這首《Nobody's Darlin' But Mine》是美國歌手兼詞曲作家Jimmie Davis於1937所推出的歌曲。或許大家對這位老兄沒啥概念,但說到他1940的那首《You Are My Sunshine》,應該就耳熟能詳了,至少在我們那一年代,幾乎人人都能唱上幾句:
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when skies are gray.
You'll never know dear, how much I love You.
Please don't take my sunshine away
這位Jimmie Davis不僅是位歌手,還兩度當選了路易斯安那的州長 ( 1944─1948,1960─1964 ),甚至從1944─1947,有多首歌曲進入排行榜前5名,其中還包括冠軍曲《There's a New Moom Over My Shouder》,是位名副其實的「歌星州長」。還有趣的是,由於出生在貧困又子女眾多的佃農家庭,Jimmie Davis對自己的出生年份並不確定 (1989,1990,1991或1992?), 像在「鄉村歌曲名人堂」上登列的日期即是1992。而由於1990美國人口普查已有他的名字出現,一般認為他應是出生在1989。若此,到他2000年辭世,為享壽101歲。
此曲也經多位鄉村歌手翻唱,像是Wanda Jackson、Merle Haggard等,唯各自有不同的詮釋曲風。以下所貼為愛爾蘭樂團The Chieftains和美國女歌手Emmylou Harris合作的版本 ( 1992 )。看影音中每個人都很專注的投入,不禁也令人陶醉其中,算是一首還不錯聽的鄉村民謠情歌。
Come lay by my side, little darlin'
Come lay your cool hand on my brow
Promise me that you will always
Be nobody's darlin' but mine
You're as sweet as the flowers of springtime
You're as pure as the dew from the rose
I'd rather be somebody's, darlin'
And a poor boy nobody knows
Be nobody's darlin' but mine, love
Be honest, be faithful, be kind
And promise me that you will always
Be nobody's darlin' but mine
Goodbye, little darlin', I'm leaving
I'm leaving this cold world behind
So promise me that you will never
Be nobody's darlin' but mine
And promise me that you will always
Be nobody's darlin' but mine