2015-08-21 11:23:21流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(478)When The Weather's Warm

早上隨意轉台,在HBO看了大半部的《Bad Country》( 台譯:黑幫追輯令 ),電影是2013年拍的,演員Willem Dafoe和Matt Dillon雖然都是熟面孔,但個人感覺劇情和演技都只能算是普普。片中有首插曲覺得還不錯聽,查了資料,是Hollis Brown樂團的《When The Weather's Warm》,收錄於其2013的專輯《Ride On The Train》中。

Hollis Brown為出身自紐約的樂團,成軍時間不長 ( 2009 ),前後只出過兩三張專輯。至於團名,為參考Bob Dylan在1964推出的一首《Balled of Hollis Brorn》,歌曲內容講述的是美國南達科他州的一位農夫Hollis Brown,由於受不了貧困的壓力,絕望之下,將妻子及五個孩子殺害後自殺,是一件慘絕人寰的人倫悲劇。

這首《When The Weather's Warm》不是老歌,但這種藍調搖滾的曲風,算是台長的菜,尤其主奏吉他的聲音---好聽,或許會彈電吉他的人會有另一層的感受。此曲就當作是台長的個人收藏吧!

Do you know when you are just pretending? Do you find, do
you find love in your life. She woke up on a night in the
early morning. What she saw was the age in her eyes. When
it's gettin near dawn, that's when she wants you to come on
back home.
There are times when you look in your mirror, what you find
can change your life. And baby when it's getting near dawn,
that's when I want you to come on back home.
I don't want you. I don't need you. I won't ask you to go.
I don't want you, in the mornin'. I'm gon' stay if you go.
When the weather gets warm, that's when I want you to come on back home.
There are times when you look in your mirror. What you
find, can change your life.