2015-08-12 19:45:42流浪阿狗


前幾天在電影台看了一片《Sound of My Voice》( 台譯:傾聽我的聲音 )。印象中之前好像有播過,但這次是較用心的將之看完。片子的劇情其實還滿懸疑詭異引人入勝的,但看至結束,卻仍是一頭霧水,其中有看似伏筆的情節至終是完全沒交待。看影評,有人說這是「開放式」的結尾,我覺得這種說法過於抬愛,已經是小成本的製作了,看來還是囿於預算,虎頭蛇尾,把觀眾當笨蛋。

影片中的女主角自稱來自未來 ( 2054 ),信徒要求她唱一首未來年代的歌曲,她竟然唱的是90年代小紅莓樂團 ( The Cranberries ) 的這首《Dreams》,編劇的用意也很明顯,應該是想透露女主角根本就是個滿口胡言的精神異常者,一切都是「夢」一場。


反而是女主角之一的Nicole Vicius表現較佳

此首《Dreams》是愛爾蘭搖滾樂團The Cranberries於1992發行的首支單曲,獲致了不錯的成績 ( US Billboard #15 / UK #30 ),基本上還是應歸功於主唱兼寫歌者之一的Dolores O'Riordan,其獨特的假音式唱腔,頗獲得歌迷們的喜愛。The Cranberries是90年代紅極一時的樂團,其專輯銷售量在全球超過了4千萬張。為了發展個人事業,樂團一度於2003解散,後又於2009復合迄今。

All my life
Is changing everyday
In every possible way
And all my dreams
It's never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems
I know I've felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
And then I open up and see
The person falling here is me
A different way to be
Lalalaah lalalah lalalaah la la la
I want more (impossible to ignore)
(impossible to ignore)
And they'll come true (impossible not to do)
(impossible not to do)
And now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
You're what I couldn't find
A totally amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me
All my life
Is changing everyday
In every possible way
And all my dreams
It's never quite as it seems
Because you're a dream to me (a dream to me)
laaah laa la la la la la la la laaahaah laaahaah la laa
laaah laa la la la la la la la laaahaah laaahaah la laa
laaah laa la la la la la la la laaahaah laaahaah la laa
laaah laa la la la la la la la laaahaah laaahaah la laa(fade)

免費小遊戲 2015-09-21 09:10:52


(悄悄話) 2015-08-14 09:50:41
新聞台Blog小天使 2015-08-13 18:05:47


2015-08-14 16:26:07