2015-07-04 14:16:22流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(460)Hurts So Good

此曲為美國歌手兼作曲家John Mellencamp與朋友George Green所合寫。這位老兄看來很猛,18歲高中還沒畢業就娶了懷孕的女友,結果他的女兒也不遑多讓,讓他在37歲時就當上了外公。

其實John Mellencamp在1976就以藝名John Cougar出了第一張專輯,但成績普普。直至1982的專輯《American Fool》才真正有所突破,其中《Hand to Hold On To》入榜名次第19,《Jack and Diane》則是冠軍曲,此首《Hurts So Good》雖然只得到第2名,卻在排行榜前10名停留了16週之久,也為他奪得了一座「最佳搖滾男歌手」的葛萊美獎。

John Mellencamp在事後接受訪談時說,他是在洗澡時靈感一來就將主歌寫了出來,然後沒花多少分鐘又完成了副歌,再送交朋友George Green總成。而也有人爆料,此曲大部份的歌詞為出自George Green之手 ( 或也有可能是經過其所修改 )。

至於歌詞的意思,有人認為是在講一段青澀的愛;有人覺得是想和女友發展進一步親密的關係;也有許多人聯想到是SM或an#l sex的性關係。其實這些都無關緊要,對於自己喜歡的歌,還是由自己來想像吧!

When I was a young boy,
Said put away those young boy ways
Now that I'm getting' older so much older
I long all those young boy days
With a girl like you
With a girl like you
Lord knows there are things we can do, baby
Just me and you
Come on and make it a

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

You don't have to be so exciting
Just trying to give myself a little bit of fun, yeah
You always look so inviting
You ain't as green as you are young
Hey baby it's you
Come on girl now it's you
Sink your teeth right through my bones, baby
Let's see what we can do
Come on and make it a

Hurt so good
Come on baby make it hurt so good
Sometimes love don't feel like it should
You make it hurt so good

I ain't talking no big deals
I ain't made no plans myself
I ain't talking no high heels
Maybe we could walking around, all day long,
Walking around, all day long