2015-02-15 08:31:45流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(397)California Sun

這首《California Sun》最早是由美國R & B歌手Joe Jones於1961錄製推出,但僅勉強擠入排行榜,獲得第89名。之後由印地安納州幾位高中生所組成的樂團The Rivieras,其翻唱版本於1964達到了排行榜的第5名。這首歌最為出名的,不僅在於它是首熱門暢銷曲,由於同一週英國披頭合唱團的《 I Want To Hold Your Hand》首度攻上了排行榜的冠軍位置,開啟了所謂「英倫入侵 ( British Invasion )」 的序幕,這首歌也成為了「英倫入侵」前,美國本土樂團的最後一首熱門暢銷曲。

The Rivieras的團名取自Buick車廠的「Buick Riviera」,在當時可是時髦的車款。

此曲推出後不久,The Rivieras的主唱Marty Fortson即奉召入伍,其他團員亦因升學壓力陸續離開,樂團終於在1966宣告解散。改組期間雖也推出過兩張專輯,但成績均不理想,故The Rivieras也成為了所謂的「一曲樂團」。

這首歌曾被多位歌手及樂團翻唱,亦曾被引用在多部電影中。依據資料,主唱Marty Fortson後來擔任過傢俱行的經理,也已於2012過世。對於未能重返曾經絢爛的音樂舞台,不知他的內心是否會留有遺憾?

Well, I'm goin' out west where I belong
Where the days are short and the nights are long
Where they walk and I'll walk
They twist and I'll twist
They shimmy and I'll shimmy
They fly and I'll fly
Well they're out there a'havin' fun
In that warm California sun.

Well, I'm goin' out west out on the coast
Where the California girls are really the most
Where they walk and I'll walk
They twist and I'll twist
They shimmy and I'll shimmy
They fly and I'll fly
Well they're out there a'havin' fun
In that warm California sun.

(24-second instrumental interlude)

Well the girls are frisky in old 'Frisco
A pretty little chick wherever you go
A-a-and they'll walk and I'll walk
They'll twist and I'll twist
They'll shimmy and I'll shimmy
They'll fly and I'll fly
Well they're out there a'havin' fun
In that warm California sun

Yeah they're out there a'havin' fun
In that warm California sun

(悄悄話) 2015-02-16 12:52:05
(悄悄話) 2015-02-16 09:26:24