2014-11-02 06:37:53流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(346)Last Train to Clarksville

這首《Last Train to Clarksville》是美國流行樂團The Monkees於1966年發行的首張單曲,不到三個月的時間,就衝上了美國排行榜的冠軍位置。

此曲作者之一的Bobby Hart說,某天他轉開收音機,正好聽到披頭合唱團的那首《Paperback Writer》的後段結尾,他心想,Paul McCartney既然唱了”Take the Last Train”,何不用之來作為他的歌詞?但後來他才發現,Paul實際上唱的是” Paperback Writer”,而非當時他所聽到的。至於地名,Clarksville ( 克拉克斯維爾 / 田納西州 ) 也是臨時想到的,正巧那裡有個空軍基地,也符合歌曲的內容。


這首歌曾被拿來與《Paperback Writer》相較,特別是在獨奏響亮的吉他聲、和弦的結構以及合音部份;而披頭的這首歌在早三個月前已登上了美國排行榜的冠軍寶座。

2014年,美國總統歐巴馬走訪亞洲四國,4月27日與馬來西亞總理納吉布在新聞發表會時曾表達說,《Last Train to Clarksville》是一首「好歌」。以下為摘錄發表會部份相關內容:

PRIME MINISTER NAJIB: Forty-eight years ago, a United States President first stepped onto Malaysian soil. Back then, TV was black and white. The Monkees were topping the U.S. charts with "The Last Train to Clarksvile." (Laughter)

歐巴馬總統:這是一首很好的歌曲。 (笑聲)
PRESIDENT OBAMA:  It's a good song.  (Laughter)

Take the last train to Clarksville
And I'll meet you at the station
You can be there by 4:30
'Cause I've made your reservation
Don't be slow
Oh no no no, oh no no no

'Cause I'm leaving in the morning
And I must see you again
We'll have one more night together
'Til the morning brings my train
And I must go
Oh no no no, oh no no no
And I don't know if I'm ever coming home

Take the last train to Clarksville
I'll be waiting at the station
We'll have time for coffee flavored kisses
And a bit of conversation
Oh no no no, oh no no no

Take the last train to Clarksville
Now I must hang up the phone
I can't hear you in this
Noisy railroad station all alone
I'm feeling low
Oh no no no, oh no no no
And I don't know if I'm ever coming home

Take the last train to Clarksville,
And I'll meet you at the station,
You can be here by four-thirty,
'Cause I've made your reservation, don't be slow,
Oh, no, no, no,
Oh, no, no, no,
And I don't know if I'm ever coming home.
Take the last train to Clarksville,
Take the last train to Clarksville,
Take the last train to Clarksville,
Take the last train to Clarksville.