2014-09-06 17:39:07流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(315)Not Alone Anymore

traveling wilburys

有些歌手由於音色優美及歌唱技巧高超 ( 像是鄧麗君和江蕙 ),當受到歌友們的肯定之後,就算再推出歌曲的作詞作曲並不怎麼樣,但聽者仍可融入於其歌聲之中而覺得好聽。Roy Orbison ( 羅伊歐賓森 ) 應該也算是這樣的一號人物。

Roy Orbison的音色非常特殊 ( 我覺得有點偏向歌劇的唱腔 ),再加上音域非常高亢寬廣 ( 從男中音至男高音,有音樂學者認為他涵蓋了三到四個八度音。),為此他被取了個「搖滾的卡魯索」的綽號。( the Caruso of rock / Caruso是19世紀早期義大利知名的高音歌唱家。) 不僅如此,Roy Orbison演唱時總是一襲黑衣加上墨鏡,彷彿更能讓人感染到他感性歌聲中所散發出的那股黑色哀愁。

參加Traveling Wilburys這個超級樂隊,應該算是Roy Orbison歌唱事業再出發的巔峰,可惜只錄了一張專輯就驟然而逝,這首《Not Alone Anymore》也是他在專輯中唯一的獨唱曲。其實Roy Orbison一生的命運多舛,他的首任妻子於婚後九年 ( 1966 ) 死於一場摩托車意外;兩年後家中再發生火災,兩個大兒子也因此命喪火窟。知道了他的這些不幸遭遇,在聽這首歌的同時,似也多加了一層的感傷。Roy Orbison真的不會再感到孤單,他已去到了天國和他的家人相會。

You always said that I'd be back again
That I'd come running to you in the end
I thought that you were on your own
And now I find you're not alone

I'll see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
You're not alone any more

You always said that I would know someday
Just how it feels when your love walks away
I let you down I let you go
I lost you, how was I to know


I never knew I could feel this way
I never could see past yesterday
You feel that everything is gone
I feel it too, you're not alone


(悄悄話) 2014-09-09 13:50:22
(悄悄話) 2014-09-09 13:33:19
(悄悄話) 2014-09-09 13:07:49