2014-07-21 19:58:15流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(292)Another Day

這首歌是Paul McCartney於1970年宣佈離開The Beatles後,於1971發行的首張個人單曲,推出後成績不惡,獲得美國排行榜的第5名及英國排行榜第2名。

這首歌描述的是單身職業婦女,每日單調的生活,以及下了班後的孤寂,就算有男人來陪伴也是隔日就走,讓她感到無比的悲哀。現代社會的單身男女愈來愈多,也隱藏了許多相關的社會問題,或許政府及社會應該對這方面付予更多的關懷和措施 ( 之前新聞報導---竟然有餐廳為了不願浪費座位,而拒絕了一位單獨女客吃火鍋。真的是有點離譜了!!)。我甚至認為,就算多開放設立一些像歐美的「單身酒吧 / 餐廳」又何妨?

為了有別於披頭的其他歌曲,Paul McCartney希望能夠重新定位出一種專屬於「他們 」→ 他和老婆的聲音,因此在這首歌的合音部份也拉老婆Linda McCartney軋上一腳。不僅如此,他還執意要將Linda列名為這首歌的共同寫歌者,說她在歌詞和旋律部份都提供了有價值的意見,縱使Linda在之前和音樂是毫無淵緣 ( 為雜誌的人物攝影師 )。這因為涉及了唱片的版稅問題,後來唱片公司也為此提出了法律爭訟,而最後是以和解 ( amicably settled ) 收場。

Every day she takes a morning bath每天早晨她都要泡一个澡
She wets her hair她浸湿了头发
Wraps a towel around her裹着毛巾
As she's heading for the bedroom chair当她走向卧室的椅子
It's just another day又是新的一天!

Slipping into stockings套上长袜
Stepping into shoes穿上鞋子
Dipping in the pocket of her raincoat双手插在雨衣的口袋里
Ah, it's just another day又是新的一天!

At the office where the papers grow办公室里的文件越垒越高
She takes a break她小憩片刻
Drinks another coffee喝完又一杯咖啡
And she finds it hard to stay awake仍然难以保持清醒
It's just another day又是新的一天!

So sad, so sad可悲啊,可悲
Sometimes she feels so sad有时候她感到伤心
Alone in her apartment shed dwell独自住在冷清的公寓
Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell直到白马王子打破生活的咒语

Ah, stay, don't stand around留下来,不要站在那儿
And he comes and he stays他来了,他留了下来
But he leaves the next day但翌日又再度离去
So sad真可悲
Sometimes she feels so sad有时候她感到伤心

As she posts another letter to the sound of five当她再次寄出另一封信
People gather 'round her人们向她拢来
And she finds it hard to stay alive她欲生欲死
It's just another day又是新的一天!

So sad, so sad可悲啊,可悲
Sometimes she feels so sad有时候她感到伤心
Alone in her apartment she'd dwell独自住在冷清的公寓
Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell直到白马王子打破生活的咒语

Ah, stay, don't stand around
And he comes and he stays
But he leaves the next day
So sad
Sometimes she feels so sad

Every day she takes a morning bath
She wets her hair
Wraps a towel around her
As she's heading for the bedroom chair
It's just another day

Slipping into stockings
Stepping into shoes
Dipping in the pockets of her raincoat
Ah, it's just another day


(悄悄話) 2014-07-23 07:33:00
(悄悄話) 2014-07-22 20:10:42
(悄悄話) 2014-07-22 16:10:33