2013-04-01 13:11:39流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(七十四)Take It On The Run


REO SpeedwagonREO快車合唱團)於1967年成軍後,為打響其知名度,從家鄉伊利諾開始,唱遍了美國中西部的各小酒吧和俱樂部。1971與唱片公司簽約後每年都推出一張專輯,雖然銷售成績不惡,卻從未打入專輯排行50名內。1980推出專輯「Hi Infidelity」,其中的一首《Keep On Loving You》終於在進榜十七週後衝到了榜首,成為他們第一首的冠軍曲。同專輯的另兩首《Take It On The Run》和《In Your Letter》也分別獲得第五名及二十名。自此,REO終於算是打出了自己的一片天,也真正成為了國際知名的樂團。


In Your Letter》雖然在排行榜的名次不高,但其流暢、通俗的節奏及旋律,卻成為大眾對REO最熟悉的歌曲,而我個人則比較喜歡《Take It On The Run》。奇怪的是,REO的兩首冠軍曲《Keep On Loving You》與《Can`t Fight This Feeling》,反而都不是我的菜。





In your letter you said you didn't love me
You said you're gonna leave me
But you could've said it better

Oh in your letter, you said you couldn't face me
You said you could replace me
But you could've said it better



You could've left him only
For an evening let him be lonely
But you hid behind your poison pen and his pride

You could've told him something
And proved to me you don't love him
But you hid behind your future full of lies
( Repeat **, * ) 



Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around
They say you got a boy friend
You're out late every weekend
They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down

But I know the neighborhood
And talk is cheap when the story is good
And the tales grow taller on down the line
But I'm telling you, babe
That I don't think it's true, babe
And even if it is keep this in mind


You take it on the run baby
If that's the way you want it baby
Then I don't want you around
I don't believe it
Not for a minute
You're under the gun so you take it on the run

You're thinking up your white lies
You're putting on your bedroom eyes
You say you're coming home but you won't say when
But I can feel it coming
If you leave tonight keep running
And you need never look back again

{refrain x 3}

Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from a friend who
Heard it from another you been messin' around 

(悄悄話) 2014-09-26 14:16:12
(悄悄話) 2014-09-26 12:27:55