2013-03-15 14:07:40流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(六十二)He'll Have To Go

Put your sweet lipes a littlecloser to the phone(將妳的香唇再靠近話筒一些)。看到這句歌詞,不禁使我想起當年服兵役時駐防外島,根本沒有民用長途電話可打回家問平安。那怎麼辦?不知開始時是誰發明的,就是先打軍用電話給在本島的同僚,請他用另支外線電話打回家,接通之後他再將兩支話筒扣在一起,雙方就可以通話了。通話時不僅要將嘴靠近話筒,聲音還要放大一些,唯一的問題是因為有人在旁側聽,不方便說一些太肉麻的甜言蜜語。

這首歌的原唱是Jim Reeves,並在1960獲的美國鄉村單曲的冠軍。之後也有多人翻唱,其中包含有Tom JonesJerry Lee Lewis……,而貓王Elvis Presley也在1976翻唱此曲。眾所周知,貓王唱情歌是一流的,以他深情款款的歌聲,配上鄉村藍調吉他的伴奏,真的是讓人陶醉不已。




Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Just pretend that we're together all alone
Tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
You can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go

You can't say the words I want to hear
When your with another man
If you love me, answer yes or no
Darling I will understand

Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Just pretend that we're together all alone
Tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
You can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go

You can't say the words I want to hear
When your with another man
If you love me, answer yes or no
Darling I will understand

Just put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone
Just pretend that we're together all alone
Tell the man to turn the juke box way down low
And you can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go
Yes you can tell your friend there with you, he'll have to go

(悄悄話) 2014-05-21 16:15:55
(悄悄話) 2014-05-21 15:34:42
(悄悄話) 2013-03-18 16:53:04