2012-12-30 13:29:08流浪阿狗

老歌亂談(十五)Jesus is a Soul Man

Rawrence Reynolds



有趣的事情來了。有一次,我的哥哥告訴我,說有的歌因為是在唱片最後一首,雖然還不錯聽,但往往就被忽略了。他介紹我說:《Jesus is a soul man》就是這樣的一首歌。我一聽,果然還不錯,尤其是主奏的吉他我很喜歡。






Jesus is a soul man,
Jesus is a soul man,
Jesus is a soul man,
And I'm sure sold on Him.

Oh they say that he's a square,
That Jesus, He aint nowhere.
I know better, He lives in my heart.
Jesus is a soul man.

You can find Him in the Bible pages.
Jesus - he's the rock of ages.
Hides me in the cleft of the rock.
Jesus is a soul man.

He calms the waves when the storm is ragin.
Keeps me safe when the devils ravin.
He's my staff, he's my sword and my shield.
Jesus is a soul man.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
The king, he said, In the fire you must go.
He found out that the fire wouldn't burn em.
They were saved by the soul man.