2004-09-27 20:18:20尚未設定


cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
hey bro
Burning Inside 說:
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
hows everything?
Burning Inside 說:
such as?
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
in general?
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
anything burning inside?
Burning Inside 說:
oh yeh
Burning Inside 說:
just some shitty incident that happened thats all
Burning Inside 說:
its been a few days already but no big deal
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
sweet ass
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
nothing to do with cindy?
Burning Inside 說:
well it is to do with cindy, i'm afraid
Burning Inside 說:
but what she thinks makes no effect on me
Burning Inside 說:
i am burning inside coz andy got involved in this
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
ok... obviously something she did that makes u feel this way
Burning Inside 說:
andy's attitude towards this makes me furious
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
whats his attitude?
Burning Inside 說:
u know how i feel abt jumpin into someone else's personal business
Burning Inside 說:
its some kinda story
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
sweet ass... i think i kinda know
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
well.. it happens bro all u gotta do is weight up ur options
Burning Inside 說:
Burning Inside 說:
i am just dissapointed as a friend
Burning Inside 說:
i am upset becoz of andy, not cindy
Burning Inside 說:
show u what i meant
Burning Inside 說:
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
dude some harsh exchanges there man
Burning Inside 說:
its pretty fucked up
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
yeh... very unlike you bro
Burning Inside 說:
what do u mean harsh exchanges?
Burning Inside 說:
unlike me?
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
harsh as in... over-reacting...
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
unlike you as in... not 'calmly sorting things thru'...
Burning Inside 說:
yeh coz i was very dissapointed at him passing a judgement on me
Burning Inside 說:
i rarely cared much abt how others think...but andy is a friend i have had for over 3 years
Burning Inside 說:
i am starting to doubt whether this friendship is worth keeping
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
im sure hes just under the influence of cindy's sweetness
Burning Inside 說:
cindy's sweetness?
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
thats why he''s being like that
Burning Inside 說:
well...he just doesnt realize...to my assumption anyway...girls r "deeper" than he thinks...
Burning Inside 說:
apparently, i think they'd been talking for quite a while
Burning Inside 說:
cindy used to tell me she appreciates andy's kindness and getleness to the ladies
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
girls love guys to be dogs
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
and guys love girls to be bitches
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
what u gonna do?
Burning Inside 說:
i actually had this funny thought that maybe andy likes cindy, in a funny sorta way
Burning Inside 說:
not like...like "like", but the like thats kinda close to being like
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
well thats true
Burning Inside 說:
and if cindy is going with andy, that would actually be very interesting
Burning Inside 說:
i think it's so twisted it would get me laughing
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
thats what happens when u intro ur girl (ex girl whatever) to friends
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
who are guys who happen to b single
Burning Inside 說:
andy has had his days with his girl
Burning Inside 說:
but i dont know what happens now
Burning Inside 說:
i just think for representing justice, u gotta know what u r made of
Burning Inside 說:
otherwise u just gonna piss someone off very seriously
Burning Inside 說:
the other day andy got online and i told him how i felt
Burning Inside 說:
i told him that he hurt me by making judgemetal comments abt me
Burning Inside 說:
he replied as, thats the funniest thing i ever heard
Burning Inside 說:
and i have an online diary, written my feelings down as dissapointment and betrayal
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
hes looking at it without friendship at stake here bro
Burning Inside 說:
he told me he read it, and had a good laugh
Burning Inside 說:
yeh well...i sorta figured that out
Burning Inside 說:
but i told him it effects me, in a serious way
Burning Inside 說:
Burning Inside 說:
and if he keeps doing that
Burning Inside 說:
that means he's not even qualified of being a friend
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
well i reckon hes not even worried abt being ur friend atm
Burning Inside 說:
i mean, for the second time, he made that kinda statement again
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
hes just happy being 'the man'
Burning Inside 說:
hmm..i am afraid so, too
Burning Inside 說:
well, u do understand why i feel this pissed, right?
Burning Inside 說:
i feel like i should maintain my calm
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
u should feel pissed man
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
keeping it all in because of andy aint worth the trouble
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
let it out
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
then let him deal with the consequences
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
because as far as I see...
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
if you don't let htings happen
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
u'll never know the end result
Nah... 說:
u mean this is a test?
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
hmm.. maybe... but its more a life experience thing man...
Nah... 說:
Nah... 說:
i mean sooner or later
Nah... 說:
i am gonna learn whether andy is worth my friend or not
Nah... 說:
maybe i aint worth of being his friend either
Nah... 說:
Nah... 說:
he needs girl friends, more than friends
Nah... 說:
but i doubt he will get anything out of it
Nah... 說:
i mean, getting some kinda reward back from cindy
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
well that i TOTALLY agree.. and its the ONE thing u said so far that makes complete sense to me
Nah... 說:
coz not in an intentional way, cindy just happens to be the user of andy in this kinda situation
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
like i said..
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
in this world
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
if ur willing to be the dog
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
u'll get the bitches
Nah... 說:
well i am dissapointed for sure...but lets not jump to conclusions yet
Nah... 說:
one things for sure tho
Nah... 說:
this is as far as i can go
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
likewise if u b the bitch... dogs will come crawling to help you
Nah... 說:
i wont make anymore statement abt me being andy's friend anymore
Nah... 說:
as well as really considering him as a friend
Nah... 說:
unless i get the apology i deserve from his unfair attitude
Nah... 說:
and if i dont get the apology, let things be
Nah... 說:
im sure he will find his own happiness from ladies
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
he'll learn...
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
every1 does
Nah... 說:
come to think of it, i never even got this upset when i had an arguement with steve
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
gotta realise ppl change
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
so do u
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
so maybe its time to reflect
If U R Willing To Be The Dog, U Will Get The Bitches 說:
sorry i gotta take ur quote
If U R Willing To Be The Dog, U Will Get The Bitches 說:
its quite a wise one
cwans.co.nr-- at any given moment we are exactly where we are meant to be 說:
haha... no worries