2004-02-01 12:52:50sylues

so painful........

Soooo painful>_<
really really really... i mustn't forget how painful it is...
i took out the wisdom tooth today..it was a bad tooth...and i just as brave as i could... went to see dentist...

the day b4 i took it out..
i couldn't sleep till 7am ..
then i have to wake up at 10am.... i ate a bread with sausage and a cup of latte...(what da fuck..it was so cold coffee... and cost me 15 bug.)
then i went to the dentist...
he injected me some anaesthetic , however.. i still feel the pain, but i know i must come over it, i don't want to leave a bad tooth inside and being more painful forever..

it took about 25 mins of the whole process..nevertheless i still can feel PAIN..(pain pain pain...sigh..never being comfortable..how come..)

sigh..i can't eat..i can't brush..i can't do anything with a bad mood..and i just really sleepy sleepy...GOD
why do u invent something like TEETH....how pain it gives me..
please, i tell myself that i never let me teeth leave me away and i must protect them....that is what a tora i've got.....

SORRY my tooth .. i killed u .. i shouldn't treat u like that ...please forgive me...i really miss u , i can't make a burial for you...but u are always on my mind..!!!!!>_<