Across the miles, it's funny to meHow far you are but how near you seem to beI could talk all night ...
(張)紅紅的燭火在案頭 我的心也照得發燙 紅紅的雙喜映眼中 臉上卻掛著淚兩行 總會有這麼一天 天真...
你說的沒錯 我沒有把握是我想不透 是有些懵懂還沒有著落 惡狠狠的冰凍拉著我的衣袖 不讓我先走是不是落寞在...
她住的街道總是有陽光 把歡笑和悲傷都繫在髮上她每天都打掃自己心房 永遠在期待夢境有天出現當愛情走過那條...
就這樣簡單你走過來 而我終於明白了 自己為何要存在慢慢的我已經離不開 因為我已愛上你了 沒有任何原因的如...
ahhhahhhahhhahhaYou used to say, everydayWe will always be this wayFlying Angels lifting highTo reac...
an apple a day keep the doctor away!
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heartWithout saying a word, you can light up the darkTry ...
When the night has comeAnd the land is darkAnd the moon is the only light we'll seeNo I won't be afr...
夜色穿過了窗 灑在我的肩膀上像體貼的好朋友 給我暖暖擁抱淚乾的臉龐 靜靜的微笑靜靜的想 愛你我不敢去...
Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn't stop the...
夜 黑夜 寂寞的夜裡氣 生氣 對自己生氣軟弱的電話 又打 給你想 聽你 那邊的空氣有 什麼 精采的話題你還是溫...
Just another lonely night,I walk音樂轟隆隆這個夜晚 舞會的人們就要散場匆匆丟下再見的我 逃離現場快樂...
The other night dear, as I lay sleepingI dreamed I held you in my armsBut when I awoke, dear, I was ...