2019-07-13 09:36:05swyuoa2m4qck

【限時商品】Nike Air Max 270 Flyknit - 12239555 便宜團購省錢方法


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感受大型 AIR 氣墊

Nike Air Max 270 Flyknit 男鞋讓腳部上下都能感受 Air 氣墊帶來的舒適。這款鞋採用 Nike 目前為止最大的鞋跟 Air 氣墊,搭配極具透氣性的 Flyknit 鞋面,溫度升高時仍能保持涼爽。採用致敬舊款 Air Max 設計的經典顏色搭配,打造出 Nike 運動鞋款一貫的現代簡潔造型。


鞋面採用 Flyknit 材質,可包覆雙腳,帶來如襪子般的貼合感受,兼具輕量與透氣性能,能提供舒適的伸縮性及支撐力。

下方 AIR

雙重密度泡棉鞋底和大型 Max Air 鞋跟氣墊實現柔軟緩震的穿著體驗,讓你天天舒適,輕鬆無拘。


  • 包覆足部的 Flyknit,打造貼合輕量的透氣著感
  • Max Air 緩震系統,為衝擊打造極致的舒適感
  • 耐久橡膠鞋紋,打造出色抓地力
  • 顯示顏色: Atmosphere Grey/Thunder Grey/Gunsmoke/黑色
  • 款式: AO1023-004
  • 原產國/地區: 中國

  • Nike Air Max 緣起

    1978 年時,Nike 的革命性 Air-Sole 氣墊成為 Nike 鞋款中的一部分。1987 年推出的 Nike Air Max 1,後跟位置的氣墊首次外露亮相,讓粉絲不只能感覺到 Air-Sole 的舒適,而是可以親眼見到它了。自此而後,新一代的 Nike Air Max 鞋款都因大膽亮眼的顏色與可靠輕盈的緩震效果,深受運動員與收藏家的青睞。

    Flyknit 緣起

    Nike Flyknit 技術靈感源自於跑者們的寶貴意見,他們持續追求如襪子般的極致貼合機能,希冀能發掘讓人感覺不到存在的跑鞋。於是 Nike 與一組由程式設計師、工程師與設計師組成的團隊攜手合作,展開為期四年的研發任務,目標是開創能回應此需求的技術,製作具穩固元素的針織鞋面,實現結構感和耐久性。接下來則是要將支撐力、靈活度和透氣性精準配置在單一層體上,同時進行微調。最終打造出羽量輕盈、貼合足形且幾乎完全沒有接縫的鞋面。除了擁有前所未見的精準貼合度,利於發揮最佳表現之外,相較於傳統製鞋的剪裁及縫製過程,平均還可減少材料浪費。每雙 Flyknit 鞋款相當於使用了六個回收塑膠瓶,讓數百萬磅的材料免於被送至垃圾掩埋場的命運。

    訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

    • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

    • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
    • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

    訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

    NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

    4.2 顆星

    Not as Expected

    ehling - May 02, 2018

    I really wanted these because they LOOKED great and comfortable from the pictures. I LOVE the FlyKnit Technology on Nikes and + I have some a few pair of older Air Max's. I noticed immediately I needed to go down another half size; I 99% wear 9 1/2s, but felt a 9 would be more snug. Also, after two days of wearing casually, I stand at work most of the time, I could feel some soreness from the soles of my feet; Directly above where the air bubble is placed. After taking shoes off, I felt the pain go away. Maybe I should be cautious with these newer exxtra air bubbles on shoes. I think that's what was wrong. My older air max's don't have a large air bubble that takes up half of the bottom sole. Nice color way, but I had to return. Overall, a fairly constructed-well shoe, but for me the bubbles were a NO. Glad Nike has the 30 day try it policy!

    Comfort+Better Upper+ Fresh Design

    Batmanthelegend21 - Apr 25, 2018

    I am so happy that there is a fresh lifestyle silhouette other than the NMD and UltraBoost from adidas. I am so tired of those shoes and adidas has been really milking out their popularity. The 270 is the amazing shoe that I was waiting for. The design is so fresh and new; a well-needed break from the now commonly found adidas lifestyle shoes that you see everywhere.

    One To Add To The Collection For Sneakerheads and Runners.

    OGCMDSafe - Apr 22, 2018

    Very stylish and comfortable. Personally, I think these feel better than the Air Max 2013/14, etc. Much different feel from the Air Force 270s. I own the White/Racer Blue/Total Crimson/Black and the Work Blue/Brave Blue/Total Crimson/White editions, and would definitely recommend cop'n at least a pair. Bouncy & purty, will make you gain 2" in height wearing them.




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