2006-05-13 17:23:57天晴

That’s bullshit

What the hell I am doing in the office?

Partly working, partly studying. I have a damn examination at 6.30pm but I have not studied well yet.

What am I doing before examination?

Well, sometime playing, sometime working, sometime day dreaming. But fucking tired during this week. Don’t know why, just feeling tired and go to bed early.

Wanna studying but really not in mood to do so. Examination is god damn shit stuff. I don’t want to have it but I should do it before my graduation.

This time is whole shit as I really ignored this subject as this is selling and sales management which is my daily work. I am doing the damn selling job every day. Can I use my daily selling example in my shit exam? Who know? God know!!!

Actually got your SMS but it does not help me a lot as I am a fucking lazy girl on this examination. Where is motivation? Where is my energy on studying? May be I need a cookie, will you buy it for me after my first exam?

But…… I am sure that YOU MUST DO SO.