2013-12-24 22:06:36Susan


1. Bible 巴別塔
2. hubris (n) 傲慢.驕傲
3. co-pilot 副駕駛
4. hold/earn degree
5. MBA --- Master of Bussiness Administration
6. Christopher --->the God of tourism
7. Dame 夫人(女性)
8. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz綠野仙蹤

9. lullaby (n) 搖籃曲
10. lemon drap  檸檬糖
11. signature song
12. cyclone (n) 氣旋;在綠野仙蹤中是指龍捲風
13. Fantacy ---> plot, theme, and setting;magic and supernature
   ex:  The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 
14. child protagonist 孩童主角
15. bounce (v) 跳
16. The famous quotes of innie the Pooh
17. Salutation = hello
18. fatten (v) 餵肥
19. temple (n) 太陽穴
20. humble (a) 謙遜的