1. 靠才靠運靠牽成
2. The face that launched a thousand ships.
Origin:Christopher Marlowe, in Doctor Faustus, referring to Helen of Troy, or
as Marlowe had it 'Helen of Greece'.
3. Bible:The Hebrew Bible (Hebrew)
The Christmas Bible:The New Testament (Greek)
ver-;vir-:true ex:verify;verification;virtual
5. Aeneas’s mission:find a new land
Odysseus’s mission:go home to reunion with his wife, Penelope
6. Ilium 特洛伊的外城
7. 吟遊詩人(bards)吟唱時都會對Muse祈求
voc, vok:voice ex:invocation;evoke
8. rage = angry;outrageous 生氣極了
9. qua-:four
10. Leda and the Swan — By Yeats
11. Atreus (1) Agamemnon + Clytemnestra
(2) Menelaus + Helen
12. Metamorphoses 變形記
13. man-:hand (拉丁字根) ex:manuscript;manipulate
14. soph-:wisdom ex:sophomore;sophisticated
15. Oedipus complex 戀母情結
Electra complex 戀父情結
16. Prometheus盜火, Zeus造了Pandora送給Prometheus的弟弟Epimetheus, 並送
一個盒子給Pandora → 潘朵拉的盒子
17. invulnerable ó vulnerable
18. Hephaestus (Zeus and Here’s son) + Aphrodite (Venus)
1.verify (v) 證明
2.verification (n) 證實
3.virtual (adj) 實際上的
4.invocation (n) 祈願
5.evoke (v) 喚起
6.manuscript (adj) 手寫的
7.manipulate (v) 操作
8.sophomore (n) 二年級生
9.sophisticated (adj) 複雜的
10. invulnerable (adj) 不會受傷害的
11. indecisive (a) 不明確的;優柔寡斷的
12. precarious (a) 不穩的.危險的
13. amenity (n) 便利設施;禮儀
14. versatility (n) 多才多藝
15. intercourse (n) 往來.交際
16.funeral (n) 喪禮
17. chastity (n) 貞節
18. elite (n) 菁英
19. exclusionary (a) 排斥性的
20. imperialist (n) 帝國主義
21. subordinate (v) 把...列入下級
22. ferocity (n) 兇猛殘暴
23. reevaluation (n) 再評估
24. sphere (n) 球體
25. presentation (n) 提出;贈送