6.suitor:a man who wants to get married to a particular woman
27.nectar:a drink that tastes very good
28.demigod:one who is partly a god and partly human being
29. banish:to make someone go away
30.dismiss:leave; evacuate
31.prophecy:the ability to see what will happen in the future
32.oracle:a type of priest in ancient Greek who told people what would happen in the future or gave them advice from the gods
33.quest:to search for something
.Demigods’ professions:leader warrior furies
Greek | Position | Rome |
Aphrodite | beauty and love | Venus |
Poseidon | sea | Neptune |
Hades | underworld | Pluto |
Persephone |
| Cora |
三大天神 Poseidon, Zeus , Hades
到過地獄的希臘英雄 Hermes(god of massage), Hercules(大力士), Orpheus
1. omnipotent (adj) 全能的
2. shield (n) 盾
3. suitor (n) 追求者;請願者
4. nectar (n) 花蜜;甘露
5. demigod (n) 半神半人
6. banish (v) 放逐
7. dismiss (v ) 讓...離開;解散
8. prophecy (n) 預言(能力)
9. oracle (n) 神諭處
10. quest (v) 尋找
11.Mesopotamia (n) 美索不達米亞
12. pastoral (a) 牧羊人的
13. Jerusalem (n) 耶路撒冷
14. warring (a) 交戰的
15. melancholy (n)(a) 憂鬱(的)
16. deportation (n) 驅逐出境
17. exile (n) 流放
18. bondage (n) 奴隸身份
19. prophet (n) 先知
20. encroachment (n) 侵入
21. desperate (a) 鋌而走險的
22. revolt (v)+against (n) 反叛
23. legionary (n) 退役軍人
24. diaspora=scattering (n) 分散
25. cohesion=solidarity (n) 團結力