jerry Xu.COM
徐瑋收信之多創記錄,曾單月收到三萬封信,隨身大包包裡,有一個角落滿是歌迷的問後 ! 只能用歌聲來回應每一份來自遠方的關心。
Xu Wei, receiving as much as a record, had a single month received 30,000 letter, carry a big bag, a corner full of fans asked! Only use the song in response to each concern from afar.
JERRY役畢後因出 ( 想不盡的你 ) 暴紅,每個月收信也暴增,曾單月收到三萬封信,人走到那裡信收到那裡,除了唱片公司,包括電視台,廣播電台,各家雜誌社都熱情粉絲寫給JERRY的 信,JERRY從一出道就養成隨時看信的習慣,外出工作隨身的大包包,JERRY總不忘出門時抓一把信件放進包包裡,所以常會看見JERRY錄影空檔一個 人躲在角落看信。
JERRY soldiers a month are mixed two-three thousand of Song of the Friends of the letter sent, so the letter has become one of the usual work of JERRY, sometimes the letters are too many to find a female student in the country to the home to help finishing, two people can back more than a thousand letters a day, Jerry is that each letter are a concern and look forward to, always good to let the fans down, so a time will personally reply.JERRY Hall graduated out (like endless) bursts of red, a month prepared to receive surge had received thirty thousand letters in a single month, come to where the letter received there, in addition to the record companies, including television, radio stations, each magazine are enthusiastic fans wrote JERRY letter from a debut, Jerry develop a habit to read the letter at any time, meals carry a big bag of work, Jerry never forget to go and grab a handful of letters into the bag , so often to see the JERRY recording gap hiding in the corner to see the letter.JERRY attaches great importance to the views of the fans, self very demanding JEERY said he will reply as much as possible, but really can not everyone back, only to use the song in response to each one from a distant concern.