2009-07-29 09:49:53Mr.SHIH

大師作品集介紹------Michelangelo:Complete Works

Michelangelo:Complete Works 


 作者:Frank Zollner, Christof Thoenes, Thomas Popper








米開朗基羅(Michelangelo,1475年3月6日1564年2月18日),全名 Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni,1475年生於佛羅倫斯加柏里斯鎮,雕塑家、建築師、畫家和詩人。他與李奧納多·達文西拉斐爾並稱「文藝復興三傑」,以人物「健美」著稱,即使女性的身體也描畫的肌肉健壯。他的雕刻作品「大衛像」舉世聞名,梅第奇墓前的「晝」、「夜」、「晨」、「昏」四座雕像構思新奇,此外著名的雕塑作品還有「摩西像」、「大奴隸」等。他最著名的繪畫作品是梵蒂岡西斯廷禮拜堂的《創世紀》天頂畫和壁畫《最後的審判》。他還設計和初步建造了羅馬聖伯多祿大殿,設計建造了教宗尤利烏斯二世的陵墓。米開朗基羅脾氣暴躁,不合群,和達文西與拉斐爾都合不來,經常和他的恩主頂撞,但他一生追求藝術的完美,堅持自己的藝術思路。他於1564年在羅馬去世,他的風格影響了幾乎三個世紀的藝術家。

西斯汀禮拜堂天花板的創世紀系列,一樣是在宗教畫中暗指人文主義的精神。 其實整個繪畫過程就是一場激戰與奮鬥。 
米開朗基羅說:「我是被迫的,我的藝術是在敵視的環境中成長的。」 因為愛其才的教皇朱力阿斯二世,卻跟他個性相剋水火不容,而米開朗基羅刁鑽難相處的個性,也造成他四面受敵的窘境。 


Before reaching the tender age of thirty, Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) had already sculpted David and Pieta, two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. Like fellow Florentine Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo was a shining star of the Renaissance and a genius of consummate virtuosity. Sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, he brought such an unparalleled passion and unique style to his work that his imitators spawned a movement - Mannerism - in their quest to replicate his special touch. His crown achievement, the breathtaking paintings on the altar wall and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, is seen by millions of visitors each year. Such was his talent that Michelangelo was considered a demigod by his contemporaries and was the subject of two biographies during his lifetime. Adoration of this remarkable man's work has only increased on the intervening centuries. Following the success of our XL title "Leonardo da Vinci", TASCHEN brings you this massive tome that explores Michelangelo's life and work in more depth and detail than ever before. The first part concentrates on the life and work of Michelangelo in text and images; then the main body of the book presents his complete paintings, sculptures, drawings, and architectural plans. Gorgeous, full page reproductions and enlarged details bring readers up close to the works. This is the definitive volume about Michelangelo for generations to come.