2007-09-01 12:09:15DeathKaT

[An approval]

Everyday when I’m going to bed
I bring the fear of sleeping late to my dreams

Everyday when I wake up
I’m awoken by shock with the cold sweat on my face

What I’ve done and what I’ve been missing

I left all my friends and family behind
who actually cares about me
I force myself to fit in somewhere I don’t like
no one sees the tears falling off of my eye

Sometimes I feel like I’m going nowhere and so tired
Somehow I know that the things won’t happen the way I want

I’ve been trying
I’ve been working
For an approval from strangers

Maybe I should be tough and stronger
but I just don’t want to stay and wait for a wonder

Lately I’m walking in circles and waiting for nothing.........

the pic from http://www.czekaj.com/images/portfolio/unhappy.gif

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