2005-08-23 13:41:00騙人布船長


They say that by the nights,
one did not go away to him more in pure taking,
They say that it did not sleep,
one did not go away to him more in pure crying.
They swear that the same sky shook when oir its weeping.
How it suffered by her
that until in his death it was calling it.

Cucurrucucú, sang,
cucurrucucú, laughed,
cucurrucucú, cried,
of mortal passion it died.

That a sad dove
very morning, it is going to him to sing,
to the single small house,
with its puertitas, wide.
They swear that that dove
it is not another thing more than its soul,
that still it hopes to him
to that the unfortunate one returns.

Cucurrucucú, dove,
cucurrucucú, you do not cry,
the stones never, dove,
that they are going to know of loves.

Cucurrucucú, cucurrucucú,
dove, no longer you cry to him.