每天不停地看塔羅占卜. 不停抽籤好像看著看著會有點希望.
事業成功. 注重養生. 會做瑜珈 健身 素食
喜歡照顧人..可以聆聽對方 並且開導對方..
他說 他最愛的是自己..我是第二位重要的人..
他說 妳不知道我多喜歡妳
他說 曾經有人就這樣靜靜的看著妳漂亮的眼睛嗎?
我不知道 何時才能走出來對他的思戀..
Do not be ashamed of your sensitivity!
It has brought you many riches.
You see what others cannot see,
Feel what others are ashamed to feel.
You are more open, less numb.
You find it harder to turn a blind eye.
You have not closed your heart,
in spite of everything.
You are able to hold
the most intense highs
and the darkest lows
in your loving embrace.
(You know that neither define you.
Everything passes through.
You are a cosmic vessel.)
Celebrate your sensitivity!
It has kept you flexible and open.
You have remained close to wonder.
And awareness burns brightly in you.
Don't compare yourself with others.
Don't expect them to understand.
But teach them:
It’s okay to feel, deeply.
It’s okay to not know.
It’s okay to play
on the raw edge of life.
Life may seem ‘harder’ for you at times,
And often you are close to overwhelm.
But it’s harder still
to repress your overwhelming gifts.
Sensitive ones,
Bring some gentleness into this weary world!
Shine on with courageous sensitivity!
You are the light bearers!
- Jeff Foster
多愛自己一點 感覺 他跟我前男友一樣自私