2010-03-28 16:45:00新發

成為新人 2. Say goobye to self & world

In this chapter 2, Pastor Eric points out to say goodbye to the self & the world.

For me, my job is full of pressure. My boss often scolds us, sometimes with foul language. We often do overtime without overtime allowances. If we make some minor mistakes, he will deduct our salary. Thus in my working time & after a tiring day, I feel the difficulty in walking closely with God. In fact I am often filled with anxiety & self-pity.

However, recently as I ponder why people can't say goodbye to their emotional attachment to some things, some deeds & some persons, I discover that they may enjoy those things, deeds & persons.

Months ago, I was given a good wish, "May you keep trusting in Yahweh God, and set free by His truth so that you can truly enjoy a closer walk with Yahweh God." In these few days as I prepare this sharing, I find that this wish is really a message for me from God. I must learn to truly enjoy to walk with Father God.

Today in Yuen Long church, a brothe leads the songs 'Our Lord and God is worthy' and 'Wait upon the Lord'. He shares the verse : 詩篇 27:13-14 我若不信在活人之地得見耶和華的恩惠、就早已喪膽了。要等候耶和華.當壯膽、堅固你的心.我再說、要等候耶和華。This is very encouraging as I try to learn trusting in Yahweh God.

Amazingly, the Sunday message points out that God's commandment is not difficult to keep, and it is not burdensome. The preacher uses many times of '輕省 自由 輕鬆', '享受'(3 times) 'enjoy'(3 times) '喜樂'(1 time). 約翰一書 5:1-3 凡信耶穌是基督的、都是從 神而生.凡愛生他之 神的、也必愛從 神生的。我們若愛 神、又遵守他的誡命、從此就知道我們愛 神的兒女。我們遵守 神的誡命、這就是愛他了.並且他的誡命不是難守的。 詩篇 119:32-35 你開廣我心的時候,我就往你命令的道上直奔。耶和華啊,求你將你的律例指教我,我必遵守到底!求你賜我悟性,我便遵守你的律法,且要一心遵守。求你叫我遵行你的命令,因為這是我所喜樂的 。

Because the two messages are the same, I now say goodbye the all things, deeds & persons, and I set my mind to truly enjoy a closer walk with Yahweh God through trusting in Him and keeping His truth.