Incontinence & Spraying Urination
Doctor Oz did a segment on his television show to discuss three women’s health taboos that are kept as secrets usually, but should really be discussed! One women’s health taboo has to do with incontinence or spraying urination, when your urine sprays when you pee instead of your urine going out of your body in a straight stream.
Dr. Oz said that 1 in 3 women over 40 years old have some form of incontinence. Tara has the problem of spraying urination, where your urine is not in a steady stream. Her urine sprays around 80% of the time. Dr. Oz said that only 1 in 12 women get help for incontinence or these types of issues like spraying urination. Tara said that spraying urination is so bad that she won’t even use a public bathroom, because she can’t squat on the toilet and urinate without taking off all of her clothes first, otherwise her clothes end up soaked in urine. Dr. Jill Maura Rabin, author of Mind Over Bladder: I Never Met a Bathroom I Didn’t Like!,joined Dr. Oz to help Tara with her problem.
Did you know that incontinence is as common as heart disease or arthritis? The area around your pelvis / bladder and especially your pelvic floor muscle and urethra effect incontinence. The change in the tubular flow as your urine exits from the urethra, in conjunction with if the sphincter muscle in the urethra an cause your urine to spray, instead of coming out in a solid stream. The same area can cause you to have urine leakage if you cough, sneeze or laugh. You need your pelvic floor to support your urethra and to keep your urethra kinked (to keep the urine from coming out).
Incontinence & Spraying Urination Home Remedy
The best thing you can do to help with incontinence and spraying urination is to work out your pelvic floor and muscles down below. By using an Exercise Weight, 30 minutes a day, you could fix your incontinence or spraying urination problem in 6 months. Exercise Weights
also help for urinary incontinence issues that stem from stress, urge and prolapse.
Of course, it is always recommended to see a Urogynecologist or ObGyn. You could have other issues like a urtheral caruncle, a flower like shape at the end of your urethra that causes your urine to spray.