2009-05-06 14:42:141232123

IDM Internet Download Manager 5.16 續傳軟體

IDM Internet Download Manager 5.16 Build 3 plus Portable 續傳軟體

IDMInternetDownloadManager5.16 Build 3 plus Portable 比flashget快五~十倍的續傳軟體

【軟體名稱】:IDMInternetDownloadManager5.16 Build 3 plus Portable
【檔案大小】:4 MB

InternetDownloadManager(IDM) 是一套可以將下載速度提高五倍以上的工具,能夠排程與回復中斷的下載任務。完善的錯誤回復機制,能夠回復被中斷的下載,例如網路連線中斷、電腦關機或是非預期的電力中斷。簡易的使用者界面讓 IDM 更加的親善與容易使用。
IDM 具有聰明的下載邏輯加速器能夠智慧地進行檔案分割,以提升下載速度。與其他下載管理軟體不同的是,IDM 能夠在下載檔案的同時動態的切割檔案,並回收使用已建立的連線,無需重覆建立連線與登入的過程,藉此達到最佳的加速效能。

What's new in version 5.16.2

We have added these features in response to IDM user requests.
* Completely remade the logic ofdownloadresume feature and added thepossibility to resume downloads for sites that use temporarydownloadaddresses or whendownloadaddresses expire
* Added the possibility to select a queue when you press on OK button on "Download all links with IDM" dialog and when you press on "Download Later" button on "Download file info" (startdownload) dialog
* Added a link to the page wheredownloadwas taken over from a browser to "File Properties" dialog
* Made many other small improvements and fixed all known bugs





vega 2009-05-10 12:35:55

IDM 下載後會自動搜尋系統的語言

2009-05-10 00:12:47

