Memory Release Master v7.1.0.8260 | 1.60MB
Memory Release Master v7.1.0.8260 | 1.60MB
Memory Release Master keeps control of your system, freeing the memory for a rapid increase in its productivity. It works automatically in the background when the CPU is low, but never allowsitself to interfere in your work. Algorithm linked to that in the event of insufficient memory occurs dropping the old data on to this disc in the form of swap (swap), freeing up memory to run new applications. As a result, your programs will run faster and become much more free RAM at your disposal.
* Recover 100% of Memory Leaks, Optimize your PC Memory
- Recover Memory from Windows and your applications
- Recover Memory leaks from unstable programs
- Increase the amount of Memory available
- Let you run large applications simultaneously without slowing down your system
* Increase Your System Performance
- Increase your system performance by making more memory available for your applications and the operating system.
- Using Memory Release Master Free Version your computer will achieve superior performance.
* Release Memory Automatically
- Detect and terminate programs that cause memory and resources leaks.
- When your available physical memory reaches its critical amount, the software will automatically clean up your PC memory to optimum level.