2008-12-11 11:33:08Vega

攔截木馬Trojan Remover 6.6.2

攔截木馬極強,防止電腦中毒***最新Trojan Remover 6.6.2,內付『註冊碼』***

[軟體名稱]:Trojan Remover 6.6.2 內付『註冊碼』

Changes in Version 6.6.2 :
- Added new heuristic detection routines. These routines are nowdatabase-driven so
new heuristics can be added during normal databaseupdates, without the need for Program Updates.
- Updated integral Updater program so it can handle new heuristic databases.
- Added scanning of all modules loaded into running processes.
- Added routine to look for and remove if found
(changing permissions on key) malicious LEGACY registry keys.




Name: joe ruiz
Code: 000015-1WA3E8-DN4BNW-90EXX4-Q9PT7P-4517DG-AEXJQ9-1UENCC-696UV2-3H6UQY