2007-02-04 00:36:29婆仔


First month of 2007 was passed
As I remember, itz a harsh one

Crazy with the Insurance Book…everyday back to the office
doing nearly the same thing,
editing, cross checking, editing, cross checking…
and one more, being blamed by the clients

that week is really the hard one,
every morning before I turn on the outlook express,
I just pray, pray that there is no more blaming,
pray that I wont cause my boss in trouble,
and pray that I wont make anymore mistake,
but unfortunately, the more the scary, the more the pressure,
so the more the mistake I made.

Spending 2/3 of the day on a single client,
so guilty so unfair to the rest,
Im not bad in time management so far, but itz really a dilemma,
how can I breakdown my time for every account?!

These days, sleep so less, less than ever.
Go to bed at 1, wake up at 6, work at 8,
Just try to squeeze every single minute to make my job completed,
But of course, never ending story.

Forget it!
Look forward, cheer up!
…and wont forget the fortune card saying

Lastly: I go for 方大同 mini concert tonight, it is really fabulous,
and he is so brilliant, like him so much!
Go to buy his CD, youll know the reason.

