2006-04-28 16:53:43stella

世事既野, 的確在乎觀點與角度

今日終於再有時間看看報紙,首先被「Red flags raised on universal suffrage」(頭條)個heading嚇倒,但找極份份報紙都看不到類似東西,結果發現太陽報有一小段,message可謂完全不同,好似立23條就可以普選係香港人的恩賜咁。

有時都真係幾憤怒,「最終一日香港個個都pro-北京架啦」出自以前報館的口,離開了之後,清醒一點想,真的好悲哀,難道這個世界最終就只可有一種意識形態? 就算nationalism都可以選擇「要」或是「不要」,更何況是政黨問題?

South China Morning Post: Red flags raised on universal suffrage

Top mainland law experts yesterday delivered an unexpected attack on hopes for universal suffrage in Hong Kong, with one laying out six conditions that must be met before it can be achieved.

The remarks from the so-called guardians of the Basic Law were made at a seminar on the mini-constitution held in the capital. Beijing has previously spoken through the legal experts on controversial constitutional issues, including political reform and the length of Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen’s term.

Guardian Wang Zhenmin, deputy dean of Tsinghua University’s law school, set out six failings that demonstrate the city is not ready for universal suffrage.

One is the absence of national security legislation as required by Article 23 of the Basic Law. Proposed laws were shelved in 2003 after more than 500,000 people took to the streets to oppose them.

Professor Wang said a consensus among various sectors of the community was also essential - and the consensus must be endorsed by the central government.

He cited the defeat of Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen’s electoral reform package last year as indicating a lack of consensus over democratisation.

The failure [of the reform plan] is not a healthy indicator of the city’s political and democratic development, he said, arguing that the democrats who toppled the bill did not represent the majority views of the population.

Another sign Hong Kong was not ready for universal suffrage was the lack of civic education to inspire patriotism, an issue repeatedly raised by pro-Beijing politicians.

Professor Wang said although he wanted to see Hong Kong achieve universal suffrage, the move should not be hasty. I believe Hong Kong can achieve universal suffrage one day. But we need to conduct research and measure carefully how to approach it.

Another speaker, Basic Law drafter Xu Chongde , said universal suffrage could be implemented only when it could be guaranteed that patriots would be selected to be the political leaders.

If anyone today could ensure that the [chief executive] selected through universal suffrage is a patriot, then I would suggest introducing universal suffrage today.

Professor Xu said the Democratic Party was misleading Hong Kong people through blind worship of universal suffrage, which was just one kind of democracy.

He said Hitler and Mussolini had come to power through elections and were experts at inciting people’s emotions. Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian had used his election-eve shooting to play on the emotions of voters.

Even in the United States, which has 200 years of democratic history, most of its presidents were only of mediocre calibre. There have been few outstanding or talented ones, he said.

A member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference said the experts’ remarks were significant in the wake of recent discussions in Hong Kong on the intention of political parties to field candidates for chief executive.

The central government had to do something before the situation became complicated.

The CPPCC member said Hong Kong people were mature enough for universal suffrage, but the central government was afraid another Mr Chen would be elected. They cannot afford to take this risk.

Democrat legislator Cheung Man-kwong said the public did not support the government’s reform proposal because it was presented as a final decision made by Beijing that could not be changed. Universal suffrage was not the only way to achieve political reform, he added.


港聞 A06 太陽
許崇德明言有限制 普選特首條件:保證愛國者當選






