2004-11-06 03:47:10季凡(紹暘)

【札記】Sweet November

Hold on to the night, hold on to the memory,...hold on tight. Life is but a dream.

相信看過"X情人"與"甜蜜的11月"的人一定有某種程度上的悵然若失感. 一個淒美動人的故事總是來自於它雖然完美卻短暫. 人對於這種故事百感交集,往往來自於人對於命運的挫折感與無助.


在一個未可知的情形下存在著,人總是充滿了問號與驚奇. 就連生命也是一連串的問號與驚嘆號.

我們只能知道已發生的每一分每一秒. 就在知道的同時,已發生的一分一秒也無法掌握了. 因此,每一個瞬間真的如夢如幻,虛實難辨.

然而,生命如蜉蝣,我們依然醉生夢死. 睡著的時候做著夢,醒著的時候也同樣做著夢.

很多事都來不及. 除了緬懷,別無他法. 畢竟那是曾經的感動,不是嗎?

Over mountains, over trees
Over oceans, over seas
Across the desert
I'll be there
In a whisper on the wind
On the smile of a new friend
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight to be with you
Because I'm on your side
And I still care
I may have died but I've gone nowhere
Just think of me
And I'll be there

On the edge of a waking dream
Over rivers, over streams
Through wind and rain
I'll be there
Across the wide and open sky
Thousands of miles I'd fly to be with you
I'll be there
In the breath of a wind that sighs
There's no need to cry
Just think of me
And I'll be there
Don't be afraid, oh my love
I'll be watching you from above
And I'd give all the world tonight to be with you
Because I'm on your side
And I still care
I may have died but I've gone nowhere
Just think of me
And I'll be there