2003-03-30 01:58:12braveheart

Life Biz:Painting My Home, Angering My Mom!

Last weekend, Mother asked me to re-paint our house. What a big job it was! I really wanted to refuse, but since she’s told me thousands of times, I knew that she would chatter on and on about the same thing. Finally, she and I went to the store buying the whole painting facilities. And the nightmare just started!

At first, we diluted paint with some water, then I used a roller to paint ceilings, and Mother painted walls with a brush. It’s a very boring thing for me, and I didn’t want to do so from my heart. Besides, my careless painting motions made Mother complain that I seldom help her at home. Then, when she found that there were paint drops everywhere because of my faults, she turned mad. Her fire also lit up my anger. At last, I doubted the necessity of painting, and I asked why there are so many things I have to do and why we didn’t start working until my brother is on vacation.

Instead of fighting with her so-called “dirty walls,” we started fighting over trifling matters! But we still kept painting. After being quiet for a while, the atmosphere turned softer, and things went easier, both on painting and on our relationship.

12 hours later, we were exhausted. She was very satisfied with her performance, and she said that mine was good, too. An idiom says, “It’s dogged as does it.” When you overcome something difficult, frustrating, or you don't like, something different will occur.

Although I don’t like to do those household affairs, I will help next time, for filial duty. Moreover, it’s my sweet home, and I also have to take the responsibility for maintaining it, not only to have right to challenge Mom’s will.