2006-11-22 21:28:39

14/11 ^^


早操时间~是在大家胡闹之下完成的。之后,吃早餐了。早餐不是很好吃。扒了几口,就不想吃了。有些人已经开始吃杯面了。>.< 小星星是有带一些杯面(妈妈逼我带的),不过,我与lilian一样,都是杯面杜绝者。我们就一大早在房间外,吹着凉凉的晨风,谈天说地。

之后。又是讲座。Mr.Anthony谈到纪律问题… 有点zzZZZ…

然后,是去玩乐的时候了。大家准备好东西后,就一组组步行到附近的扇形公园,玩类似station games的游戏。每一组都获得一张小字条,上面写着一些线索,以便让我们找到下一站。





在讲座终于完后,commanders他们叫我们到房间去拿杯子。然后,再集合在hall。直到game masters他们搬出一堆堆东西,我和lilian才想起之前开会时,他们有提过的一项游戏-Fear Factor。为什么我们没早一点想起来???我们都想逃走了,可是…大门不知何时,已经被一群临时的保安人员站岗着了。T.T逃不走了。

之后,是一组组上台去“领受”这个特别待遇。首先,是要把一片涂满wasabi的面包吃下去,再喝下一杯冷水。之后,就把手臂放在一个箱子里,他们会倒下一小箱的虫子在上面。>.<” 然后,就把手放进一个有着虫子的罐子里,掏出白字条。最后,就是把脚浸在冰水里,才算过关。天…



晚上,洗刷后,就去睡了… >.<

╭★↗ to be continue↘☆~



edward 2006-12-11 11:42:27

haiz.. i’m tired to argue with u. gv or not it’s up to ur choice but u can’t avoid getting ”present” (mayb cuter than worms)from me de... hehehe ^^
=) edward.

yeala yeala.... juz bak from de lion dance camp... and now my hand cacat de... dunwan argue le... your de one who always begin argue... +P 2006-12-15 19:20:14
edward 2006-12-06 09:41:37

CELINE TING WAN SHIN~... i really ’gek dao’ when i read ur reply. cheh.. u r the one ji4 chou2 and even x1000times more than me. the bookmark doesn’t count la... there’s no name on it to tell who gv it to me. i’ve told u to write on the back but u dun want to. so next yr(2007) present = previous yr (2005) + this yr (2006) + next yt (2007) ~ ( actually thnkx for reminding tat u ”hvn’t” gv me present on 2005, hehe xP bodoh . n one more thing, i’m not any ordinary boys, i’m a man~! get it?! k, is there any other choice than getting worms as present for me? any other opinions to choice? (i dun like worms neither.. yucks) actually i hardly buy ang present for ’girls’ too as well, jz tat mayb my vision was blurred tat time and treat u a male~!!! hiak hiak~ do u want me to buy u present next yr too? mayb till then u will become ”male” again o~ hehe i dun care about the camp... n how the worms been bought. jz tat u hv no evidence tat how the worm been bought. xP
stay old~ girl ^^ edward.

cheh... male your head a male...wat doesnt count... dun care a.. so ’nyen’ de present i dun give lo XD haha... 2006-12-06 19:04:27
edward 2006-12-05 14:07:15

ha.. buying present to me also hv to so ”giam”. n where got ppl buying a spoon of worm de.. suppose to buying in ++KG ba.. of coz i dare to gv u present, jz this yr(2006) i’ve some financial crisis so can’t buy u any present. but i dun see tat u hv any financial crisis but u din gv me any present. next yr hv to double for the value of the present. next yr present = this yr (2006) + next yr (2007) ~!! hehe
smiles, edward.

said me ’giam’... you ji4 chou2 le... >.<” walao want me buy double present juz bcause i din give you present... hmm... hao xiang i din give you present also at 2005 o... got ma? forgotten le... hmm... oya a bookmark... XD remember liao... me rarely buy presents for boys de la >.<” you sure want de worms o?? want de value o? hmm.. or i juz write ’from me at 2006 N 2007’ on your face?? not bad o.... hiak hiak~ forgot to tel you... got spoonful de worms la... tat time you played with de worms during de camp were bought in tat way de~ 2006-12-05 19:41:05