14/11 ^^
早操时间~是在大家胡闹之下完成的。之后,吃早餐了。早餐不是很好吃。扒了几口,就不想吃了。有些人已经开始吃杯面了。>.< 小星星是有带一些杯面(妈妈逼我带的),不过,我与lilian一样,都是杯面杜绝者。我们就一大早在房间外,吹着凉凉的晨风,谈天说地。
之后。又是讲座。Mr.Anthony谈到纪律问题… 有点zzZZZ…
然后,是去玩乐的时候了。大家准备好东西后,就一组组步行到附近的扇形公园,玩类似station games的游戏。每一组都获得一张小字条,上面写着一些线索,以便让我们找到下一站。
在讲座终于完后,commanders他们叫我们到房间去拿杯子。然后,再集合在hall。直到game masters他们搬出一堆堆东西,我和lilian才想起之前开会时,他们有提过的一项游戏-Fear Factor。为什么我们没早一点想起来???我们都想逃走了,可是…大门不知何时,已经被一群临时的保安人员站岗着了。T.T逃不走了。
之后,是一组组上台去“领受”这个特别待遇。首先,是要把一片涂满wasabi的面包吃下去,再喝下一杯冷水。之后,就把手臂放在一个箱子里,他们会倒下一小箱的虫子在上面。>.<” 然后,就把手放进一个有着虫子的罐子里,掏出白字条。最后,就是把脚浸在冰水里,才算过关。天…
晚上,洗刷后,就去睡了… >.<
╭★↗ to be continue↘☆~
haiz.. i’m tired to argue with u. gv or not it’s up to ur choice but u can’t avoid getting ”present” (mayb cuter than worms)from me de... hehehe ^^
=) edward.
yeala yeala.... juz bak from de lion dance camp... and now my hand cacat de... dunwan argue le... your de one who always begin argue... +P
CELINE TING WAN SHIN~... i really ’gek dao’ when i read ur reply. cheh.. u r the one ji4 chou2 and even x1000times more than me. the bookmark doesn’t count la... there’s no name on it to tell who gv it to me. i’ve told u to write on the back but u dun want to. so next yr(2007) present = previous yr (2005) + this yr (2006) + next yt (2007) ~ ( actually thnkx for reminding tat u ”hvn’t” gv me present on 2005, hehe xP bodoh . n one more thing, i’m not any ordinary boys, i’m a man~! get it?! k, is there any other choice than getting worms as present for me? any other opinions to choice? (i dun like worms neither.. yucks) actually i hardly buy ang present for ’girls’ too as well, jz tat mayb my vision was blurred tat time and treat u a male~!!! hiak hiak~ do u want me to buy u present next yr too? mayb till then u will become ”male” again o~ hehe i dun care about the camp... n how the worms been bought. jz tat u hv no evidence tat how the worm been bought. xP
stay old~ girl ^^ edward.
cheh... male your head a male...wat doesnt count... dun care a.. so ’nyen’ de present i dun give lo XD haha...
ha.. buying present to me also hv to so ”giam”. n where got ppl buying a spoon of worm de.. suppose to buying in ++KG ba.. of coz i dare to gv u present, jz this yr(2006) i’ve some financial crisis so can’t buy u any present. but i dun see tat u hv any financial crisis but u din gv me any present. next yr hv to double for the value of the present. next yr present = this yr (2006) + next yr (2007) ~!! hehe
smiles, edward.
said me ’giam’... you ji4 chou2 le... >.<” walao want me buy double present juz bcause i din give you present... hmm... hao xiang i din give you present also at 2005 o... got ma? forgotten le... hmm... oya a bookmark... XD remember liao... me rarely buy presents for boys de la >.<” you sure want de worms o?? want de value o? hmm.. or i juz write ’from me at 2006 N 2007’ on your face?? not bad o.... hiak hiak~ forgot to tel you... got spoonful de worms la... tat time you played with de worms during de camp were bought in tat way de~
so hao lian... where got ppl say themselves li hai? hao lian wan shin~ ni hao ^^. haha.. worms? kk, i will accept ur worm present if u dare to choose the smartest worm to me, bought it and pack it with ur OWN hand into the present box~... (yucks)hehe.. but dun find me if u got allergy or dead (becoz scared until die)o~ remember it! haha... u r so nice to prepare birthday present for me so i hv to prepare another ’astonishing’ present to u. but i won’t tell u wat’s inside de... later u will appreciate my present too.
haiz... this celine, so rebelious.
edward. xp
ho? hmm... heard tat tes days de worms aint tat cheap... hmm... mayb a spoonful for you is enough... XD i will ask game masters them if possible hiak hiak.... +P you dare to give me o?? yea yea ”appreciate” lol
celine, i wonder how u can write all this dairies and in so detail? did u hv laptop in the camp? ha, i think u got. wait for a while, wan shin scares of worms? ha, i thought celine ting wan shin is a brave and tough person le... never mind la, u r still an innocent and good girl in my eyes. x) the worms were indeed irritating but no big deal to me.
well, take k.
lol din you read my diary in detail? i only played with others laptop on sun la... i din bring laptop de... y cant i wrote all tes in so detail... me lihai ma... :-P you like worms ya? next year birthday i give you some worms as birthday present lo... appreciate it o....
haiz.. i’m tired to argue with u. gv or not it’s up to ur choice but u can’t avoid getting ”present” (mayb cuter than worms)from me de... hehehe ^^
=) edward.