2009-05-31 17:28:42Julie*s
好朋友 與 情人
好朋友與情人間 都因愛相連
所以關係慎密 所以日夜相伴
一旦愛消逝了 好朋友與情人
忙著用遲鈍的雙手 包裝禮物
雖然 包起來沒有小慢那雙巧手來得完美
但從挑禮物到包裝 可是都很用心的
cannt help thinking :"Does everything worth it ?"
i was wondering whats the difference between best friend and bf?
情人會因為時間、距離、想法 彼此有著不能相愛的理由 而分開
那所謂的好朋友呢?是否也因時間與空間上的因素 而漸行漸遠呢?
sadly,my answer is :"YES"
事事萬變 本不該對事情抱有太大的寄望
i counted on my friends who can give me the support as possible as they can
i wish they could hold my hand giving me the courage
and we could through every hard times
Things change , people change and me too
Accept the fact that youll have to let go of some emotional baggage.
(I love this sentence soooo baaad!)
原來 當愛消逝後
剩下的 只是需要調適的心情與想法
愛情如此 友情亦是
所以關係慎密 所以日夜相伴
一旦愛消逝了 好朋友與情人
忙著用遲鈍的雙手 包裝禮物
雖然 包起來沒有小慢那雙巧手來得完美
但從挑禮物到包裝 可是都很用心的
cannt help thinking :"Does everything worth it ?"
i was wondering whats the difference between best friend and bf?
情人會因為時間、距離、想法 彼此有著不能相愛的理由 而分開
那所謂的好朋友呢?是否也因時間與空間上的因素 而漸行漸遠呢?
sadly,my answer is :"YES"
事事萬變 本不該對事情抱有太大的寄望
i counted on my friends who can give me the support as possible as they can
i wish they could hold my hand giving me the courage
and we could through every hard times
Things change , people change and me too
Accept the fact that youll have to let go of some emotional baggage.
(I love this sentence soooo baaad!)
原來 當愛消逝後
剩下的 只是需要調適的心情與想法
愛情如此 友情亦是