2003-03-07 22:38:34spicy tuna

third week in Shanghai

Wow, the last time I updated my site was in 2002!! I better catch up and out more thought into my page. Thanks for being so patient, I know it seems as if my page has gone officially dead, but nope...!!! Anyways, I'm not supposed to be spending too much time on the internet since the courses I'm taking this term are so much harder !! I'll grip about it later.

I put "third week in Shanghai" as the title since it feels as if I'm back to square one again. I've been back from vacation 3 weeks ago and I'm still adjusting. I don't miss Taipei that much but I miss Vancouver terribly....just everything about Vancouevr ! I was reading Elle Canada and it got me into depression so now I'm reading Cosmopolitan UK instead. Nothing's new for me except that I've moved out. I'm still living some ridiculous life in Shanghai. I'm still having a hard time to get what I want. For example, I went to 3 different supermarkets yesterday and I couldn't even find a peeler (for fruit and vegetable). How am I supposed to eat an apple without a peeler ? Well I've already bought the apples so...I carefully did them with a sharp little knife...the the result was nasty...!! I sucked when working with knifes!! (just imagine when I have to use a knife on a dead body in anatomy)...my friends took pictures of the ugly apples that I cut up....well I'll post them if I ever feel like humiliating myself on my page...we'll see!!
Anyways, I was told by the clerk at the supermarket that I can find a peeler in some cuttery store near Nan Jing Road....isn't that great?? All I have to do is to take a 25 minutes cab ride to get myself a little tool for the kitchen.

Oh by the way...March 8th is the Women's day.....apparently it's a big day in China ! And I love it because women's clothing's on sale again ! I don't think people know much about the meaning of this holiday except that they get to save money on things....but that's good enough pour moi!